Saturday, June 24, 2017


In terms of how to devise a devise a legal system that is best for any particular society, I admit that I'm not able to get much at all out of what you said. 
Maybe you should write it out in more detail.  Then, if you in fact do have an empirically or logically provable, non-trivial truth about how a best legal system should function for all societies and cultures, submit it to peer review.  See how many line up to say, yup, that's the truth. 
Meantime, for an ideal, I'll stick with rule of law equally applied, rather than rule of WeKnowTheTruth experts.  Subject to wisdom enough to know better than to try to make the perfect the enemy of the good.

There is no such thing as a non-trivial model or explanation that is perfectly consistent, coherent, and complete. We don't experience any measurable thing-in-itself or particle-in-itself. We only experience fluxing appearances, that we measure by resorting to models. And our models DO often serve astonishingly practical purposes, to help us construct other models that are practical to other purposes, perhaps to bootstrap us, sometimes by making myths into near truths.
Nietzsche -- “Truth is a mobile army of metaphors, metonyms, anthropomorphisms, in short a sum of human relations which have been subjected to poetic and rhetorical intensification, translation and decoration […]; truths are illusions of which we have forgotten that they are illusions, metaphors which have become worn by frequent use and have lost all sensuous vigour […]. Yet we still do not know where the drive to truth comes from, for so far we have only heard about the obligation to be truthful which society imposes in order to exist"
Read Deutsch's The Beginning of Infinity. I try not to butt my head against infinite regresses. I don't indulge a leap of faith to search for provable, absolute, non-trivial truth. I indulge a leap of faith to search for a model or ideal that seems most consistent, coherent, and complete ... to my innate intuitions and empathies. Some may agree with me, some not. But I believe I tend to know the difference between searching for truth versus hiding from it.
A dollar may buy more for some than for others. For qualified people, it may buy admission to certain schools, institutions, or clubs. But, for many purposes, a dollar will buy much the same. A contract may more likely be enforced for some than for others. Still, people find value in entering into contracts. An executive order may be more enforceable according to its terms for some Presidents than for others --- depending on the resistance of an antagonistic oligarchy. Which fluxes, and cannot be put into a truth bottle.

I agree that perfect equality before the law is factually false.  But I think it tends to be of value as an Ideal or Model. 
Very little of causation or legal relationships as we mortals experience them can be described to factual perfection.  Yet, we find it worthwhile to rely on Models -- for pursuits of Science, Morality, and Law.  To replace the ideal of equality before the law with an ideal of judging as God would judge would be to ask too much of any mortal.  Often, It may be more important for justice to be seemed to be done than for justice actually to be done.  (Yes, I intentionally altered the usual quote.)
For an interesting take, see 
"We must forget assumptions that we know what the law is. The more you consider what law might be, the less clear it gets. Many assume law is synonymous with business. Like the institution of money, law requires mass belief. Yet law remains our most powerful method to rein in spiraling corporate greed. Law is an instrument of the state, and closer to politics than business. As some would have it, law is like a two dimensional plane, with well-marked boundaries, clearly defined limits and categorical definitions.7 “It is always watching us,”8 a “living archive,”9 an “official version of life,”10 or a “museum of order.”11 Conversely, courtroom argumentation can center on a creative interpretation of past precedent. Or, following Kafka (and Derrida’s interpretations), law is a form of the sublime, full of specters and ruins.12 Then, as others argue, “law is not justice,”13 and is “written in a field of pain and death.”14 Law is, instead, a societal “dumping ground” and lawyers are its “janitors” or “refuse collectors,”15 standing “at the threshold of order and disorder at society’s edge.”16 All of these ideas can convince, and yet, most are contradictory. And this confusion is why law is one of the great, underexplored artistic subjects. "

On a meta level, consciousness is consciousness. On a mortal level, "all people should be equal before the law" is something a proponent of a decent and representative republic should say. It has to do with rule under a framework of law, as opposed to rule under despots over minutiae.
In that respect, I believe in the Golden Rule and the Veil of Ignorance. But I apply them differently from most Proggies. To love your child as yourself is not to give him everything you have, but to help him learn how to become responsible for himself.
I believe in tough love. I don't believe entitlement-teaching is "love." I do not believe in trying to impose perfect equality in results, but I do believe each person should try to respect what seems to him/her to be the unfolding concerns of the Reconciler.
I think human freedom and dignity necessitates that each and every subject adult learn to take subjective responsibility for his/her own pursuits, raising his/her own family, and preserving his/her own values, culture, and republic.
I believe the existence of a Source of Higher Mindedness is a Reality, under which all mortals are subject. But I believe the last thing that Source seeks is to make every human being an equal replica of every other human being. Or to dictate minutiae of diets, dress, and ceremonies. I loath the tendency towards hive-mindedness of incompetents, losers, perpetual infants, wussie-people, and conning parasites and moochers.

The Left wants to bury humanity. Bury mindfulness, gender, family, nation, responsibility, work ethic. Once we're all safely underground, we'll be as equal as dirt.

To inject Lincoln, Money can help fool most of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but it can't fool all of the people all of the time.
The Oligarchy is using our universities to shape foreign students to become evangelists not for representative republicanism but for the NWO. They get Americans to go along with this by using crocodile tears to appeal to our sympathy and charity. Then, the newly trained foreign students go home to teach their cronies how to siphon wealth by calling it charity.
"So much of left-wing thought is a kind of playing with fire by people who don't even know that fire is hot." -- George Orwell

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