Monday, June 26, 2017

The Oligarchy v. The Republic

Some myths may be founded on a higher reality, and others only on wishful thinking.  Regardless, the positive power of myth making can be enormously effective.  Especially when a myth is mainstreamed to inculcate and indoctrinate the better part of a society.  Leaders bent on opposing purposes know this. 

To establish a society of free thinkers, a myth may be advanced of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property.  To establish a society of parasites swarming under directing buzzlords, a myth may be advanced of codependent entitlement to redistribute fairness by imposing equality in material results.

So we get different schools.  Jefferson vs. Marx.  Jesus v. Mohammad.  Trump v. Alinsky.  Tocqueville v. Soros.  Problem is, most modern institutionalized power and wealth has been agglomerated by those who pose for the deluded masses as wanting to redistribute fairness in material results.  It is their myth that is being most organized and advanced in and among our schools, media, entertainments, churches, and their leaders, tools, and oligarchs. 

The old supporters of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Protestant Work Ethic, Unalienable Rights, and Freedom of Conscience are being replaced by new generations of wussie, codependent, incompetent, doped out, gender fluid, family broken, race-baited, nation-hating, poison-tolerating, serf-brained tools for buzzlords.  Absent a miraculous reawakening, Trump may be a last hurrah before the host Republic is bled out.  Other than that, Happy Fourth.


I wonder what may have happened, had Lincoln restored both slavery and the union? We see what happens when an excess of liberty-illiterates, serf-brains, and slaves are imported into a nation. Once such liberty-illiterates became a majority, how could a representative republic ever safely free them or give them the vote? (Observe Europe.) If the union was to be restored as a representative republic, its safe continuance would seem to have required an early emancipation, before the majoritarian mindset became flipped.

The philosophy of jealous liberty-illiterates who come to suck America's blood is different.
Their philosophy is that all people are created with certain equal, inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness --- until snowflakes are made to feel incompetent and jealous.
Then, the snowflakes distort Christianity and claim a superior right to take your stuff so they can equalize the material playing field --- not with their talent, but with their gang-banging. To forfeit the stuff of those who complain about the re-equalizing.

Some myths may be founded on a higher reality, and others only on wishful thinking. Regardless, the positive power of myth making can be enormously effective. Especially when a myth is mainstreamed to inculcate and indoctrinate the better part of a society. Leaders bent on opposing purposes know this.
To establish a society of free thinkers, a myth may be advanced of unalienable rights to life, liberty, and property. To establish a society of parasites swarming under directing buzzlords, a myth may be advanced of codependent entitlement to redistribute fairness by imposing equality in material results.
So we get different schools. Jefferson vs. Marx. Jesus v. Mohammad. Trump v. Alinsky. Tocqueville v. Soros. Problem is, most modern institutionalized power and wealth has been agglomerated by those who pose for the deluded masses as wanting to redistribute fairness in material results. It is their myth that is being most organized and advanced in and among our schools, media, entertainments, churches, and their leaders, tools, and oligarchs.
The old supporters of the Declaration of Independence, Bill of Rights, Protestant Work Ethic, Unalienable Rights, and Freedom of Conscience are being replaced by new generations of wussie, codependent, incompetent, doped out, gender fluid, family broken, race-baited, nation-hating, poison-tolerating, serf-brained tools for buzzlords. Absent a miraculous reawakening, Trump may be a last hurrah before the host Republic is bled out. Other than that, Happy Fourth.

We are lost if we accept the harness offered by the Left: That we are to be polite when we confront their steaming pile of foul treachery, but they are under no such obligation to refrain from constantly ankle biting our President. The faith of the fascist left is that it controls enough institutional power and media to siphon the energy out of Trump and all opposition, drop by drop. The way to break that habit of the Left is to body slam it, routinely. Otherwise, the incorrigible Left cannot be fixed. It can no more give up its addiction to parasitism than lifetime alcoholics can cold turkey quit alcohol.

Lincoln preserved the Union at a time when the States of Rebellion could still be reconstructed. Today, I am not confident California could ever be reconstructed. Instead, States like California, if not banished, may suck the Union into an oligarchic, despotic, fascist, totalitarian, black hole.


A majority of Blacks and Hispanics took an ugly tryst to bed with the Gay Marriage farce, but in the morning they wake and wonder what the heck they have done.  Faith, family, fidelity:  Without those, no representative republic can stand. 

The hedonistic nutjobs and liars that argue we can't go downhill to plural or meaningless marriage, to entertain their base gratifications, turn a blind eye to historical facts:  Much of the world is unable to sustain a representative republic; much of the world is polygamous; outside decent common sense, there is no existential definitional wall that precludes marriage from being thought of as multiplicitous; the bulk of corrupt money is on the side of undermining the institutions of the West in order to foster the NWO of people-farming; the oligarchy and its corrupt tools easily buy media and judges.

If Americans do not soon re-assimilate decent and common sense, they surely will lose the last vestiges of their representative republic.


There may also be Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, which has never been attempted.  The cabinet can, by a simple majority vote, strip the president of his powers and immediately hand power to the vice president. But, the ousted president can object.  Then Congress must approve the ouster by a two-thirds vote in each chamber.

Laurence Tribe says this provision could be used both for physical incapacity and for mental incapacity.  What about for taint, as in having secretly colluded with Russia to steal an election?

Tribe:  “In the unlikely event that Pence and a majority of Trump’s bizarre cabinet were to grow the spine needed to do the right thing with the process set up by that provision, we would surely be in a situation where a very large majority of the public, including a very substantial percentage of Trump’s supporters, would back if not insist upon such a move,” Tribe said. “In that circumstance, I can’t imagine Trump and his lawyers succeeding in getting the federal courts to interfere."

All the people who voted for free stuff from the gov will soon enough learn the true cost. If you didn't like the whip-crackers of slavery, you're really not going to like the whip-crackers of phony entitlements.

I agree that Christian values are the heart of good faith and good will. To try to replace an assimilation of good faith and good will with legalistic minutiae is a fool's errand. Or a knave's.

To return to a Constitutional Republic, we need to identify its enemies. The enemies are the Rinos and Dinos, as puppetted and manipulated by the Oligarchy. The Founders did not foresee or provide for that. They expected us to do that. If, that is, we mean to keep the republic.

The Left's interest in democracy extends only to opportunities for blood sucking. The Oligarchy's interest in democracy extends only to using the Left to cannibalize and replace the republic. It is only the Middle Class that seeks, by and large, to preserve the representative republic. However, it has often been as misled by the Oligarchy as the Left. That is why Rinos are as dangerous to the republic as Dinos.

Some of the Founders did not foresee political parties that would fight for the privilege of farming the people like livestock.
Apart from impeachment, the wannabe people farmers also put their faith in Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, although it has never been attempted. Under it, the cabinet can, by a simple majority vote, strip the president of his powers and immediately hand power to the vice president. But, the ousted president can object. Then Congress must approve the ouster by a two-thirds vote in each chamber.
Laurence Tribe (ugh!) says this provision could be used both for physical incapacity and for mental incapacity. So, what about taint thrown by the oligarchy against Trump? That's why they fake up crap about secret collusion with Russia to steal the election. And that's why they don't stir that up against Hillary.
Tribe: “In the unlikely event that Pence and a majority of Trump’s bizarre cabinet were to grow the spine needed to do the right thing with the process set up by that provision, we would surely be in a situation where a very large majority of the public, including a very substantial percentage of Trump’s supporters, would back if not insist upon such a move,” Tribe said. “In that circumstance, I can’t imagine Trump and his lawyers succeeding in getting the federal courts to interfere."

Nowadays, impeachment of the President tends not to be a viable way to sustain the republic, if ever it was. Sometimes, I think the President should be limited to one term of 6 years, subject to a vote to test confidence after the first two, with a new election called to fill the remainder of the term.

We used to be more hardy. Kids worked during the summer. They did not spend their time learning crap at college and glued to ear noise. We also did not have so many delinquent Dads. Nor did we have the gov making debt slaves out of everyone it can fool into becoming tools. So those bygone days are bygone.

Carlos Slim --NYT; Jeff Bezos -- WaPo; Murdoch -- NewsCorp, Fox and WSJ; Soros -- Media Matters etc.; Google; Facebook; Newhouse -- Advance Publications. [See also] Everything that comes out of the Tube is Mind Poison, bent to the NWO.

Too many prodigals return only to make more withdrawals from your bank account.

Teaching is often acculturating. Most sustainable cultures acculturate their children. Children tend eventually to adopt the religions and politics of their parents or significant peers and teachers. After a number of years of acculturation (indoctrination?), it is very hard to reorient a person's worldview. Unless, that is, the person's ego is on a weak foundation, or the person has learned how to think for himself or to be receptive to new ways of reconciling ideas. It may be nearly impossible to teach a person to think for himself unless he was raised in such a way, before his basic orientation solidified.
This is why I think a lot of people from liberty-illiterate cultures cannot ever be fixed to become liberty-literate. What value is a belief that is only regurgitated, unthinkingly? Why should I care what a person claims to believe, if he has never subjected his belief system to any kind of rigorous testing, or if he is intimidated from ever engaging with any such a test?
Regardless, I think the good news is this: The idea of an inviting godhead makes reasonable, innate sense to every informed analysis. As does the idea of what is needed to sustain a decent republic that avails freedom and dignity for its citizenry.

No measurable thing would exist, but for cracked symmetry. It is asymmetry that gives us matter and anti-matter. IOW, the cosmic big bang. Asymmetry means innate in-equal-ity.
No pattern or form becomes receptive as a perspective of consciousness unless it is specially (unequally) favored and reconciled. Without inequality (symmetry breaking), there would be no measurable thing to manifest, no basis for any equa-tional unfolding.
Maybe Dems bent on equality hate their very existence? Maybe they have a beef with the Almighty for "making" them be miserable?


The Dem/Media/NWO Apparatus is corrupt to the bone. Trump is the Iceberg that sinks their Titanic. I don't know if this comes of the genius of Trump or the laugh of Karma.
Imagine if Trump had forsaken hyperbole and twitter. Suppose he had been entirely PC and competent. What coverage would the Apparatus have given that? Not much. So Trump says outlandish stuff. Stuff with enough common sense to settle in for many Americans, but enough outlandishness to goad the Apparatus into covering it ... and him.
Is Trump the Pink Panther or the Scarlet Pimpernel? I don't know, but the show is yuge! And eff the fake news!


Many physicists do not believe the affairs of our universe have all been pre-set.  Rather, they unfold.  Whatever is reconciling the unfolding is contemporaneously involved.  Each decision your brain becomes aware of will have been contemporaneously reconciled moments before you became self conscious of the decision.  A reconciliation beyond your mortal consciousness was entailed.  Some thing that is contemporaneously involved is hardly irrelevant.
Information tends often to be preserved, in various forms.  Your idea about what consciousness is might be stunted, in the way that Grandfather described to Little Big Man.  Consciousness is consciousness.  How it associates with varying forms does not change that.
I think all expressions of consciousness are expressions of an innate and reconciling morality.
You have the "best" country on the planet?  And you complain that 'Muricans are jingoistic or chauvinistic?  I think you're at least as self-congratulatory as 'Muricans, except you're more effetely passive-aggressive about it.
You score higher because you don't have Mexico on your southern border.  However, your oligarchs and their idiot tools are working on that.  Good luck with that.  I truly hope Canada can preserve a national character.  Long live Sergeant Preston and his faithful dog, Yukon King!

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