Friday, April 29, 2016

Observer Effect in Dreams?


NON-EMPIRICAL GOAL:  I'm not especially seeking to prove or confine God by empiricism, because I think that is beyond us.  What I seek is a best model for internal consistency, that is as consistent, coherent, and complete as possible.  That may provide a framework for relating to some of our most important moral and  political concerns.

To "test" such modeling is to consider how it may relate across the spectrum of potential experiences.

OBSERVER EFFECT:  For example, the observer effect is interesting in respect of how light comes to be expressed as particles versus waves.  So, I wonder about whether dreams may be similarly affected by some kind of feedback-observer effect.  Are dreams entirely byproduct, or is the way they are appreciated by the  dreaming observer a feedback-factor in affecting how they unfold?  May the observer effect be related to Psi?

NOTHINGNESS:  What do we mean by "nothingness?"  Whatever the Source is, it is not reasonably conceptualized as nothing.  Yet, none of our particular senses can measure it, except in respect of such inferior derivatives as it expresses (space, time, matter, energy).  In how we can measure it, it is as if it were nothing.  But in how we may intuit it, it seems to be everything.

IS POTENTIALITY LIMITED IN ANY WAY:  What might be the potential power of this Source-No-Thing-ness?  Well, depending on how it may come to organize pre-sets, such as AI machines, its potential power seems astoundingly unlimited.

MATH:  I think no matter how the Source imparts specific expressions, they will obey conservational maths -- for equations, phase shifts, transpositions, transitions.

PSI:  How does the Source take on (adopt and bind to) particular perspectives of self aware identities or AIs?  Is there some unproveable, immeasurable, psi avenue of apprehensive or guiding feedback between each particularly receptive perspective and the Reconciling whole of the Source?  If so, can improving pre-sets for forms of particular receivers improve the appreciation or feedback of any potential psi effect? 

BEGINNING OF INFINITY:  Insofar as the Source-No-Thing-Ness may be unlimited in potential, what astonishing events may potentialize to unfold before us?  Is there a way of thinking about such relationships that can make consistent sense for evaluating meaningful and moral concerns and purposes?  What may the Source be seeking to communicate for its feedback-appreciation from the perspectives of  particular identities?

PROBLEMS:  I don't know.  I have not found the perfect (consistent, coherent, complete) way to model for such concerns.  Every model I have considered or conceptualized presents problems.  "His ways are not our ways."

RESEARCH:  I think I will see if there is a good book on psi experiements that is put out by a "respectable" author.  Then see what is said about it by the "smartest" people who have taken their best shots.  Then see if I can make any sense for myself out of the upshot. 

TURING TEST FOR GOD:  The Turing test for a conscious fellow being pertained to whether or not a reasonably competent person could tell if a communicant were a robot or a person.  Can a reasonable Psi evaluator tell whether or not the Source is communicating information to him beyond ordinary channels?  I suspect:  No Psi effect can be  "reliably" replicated in any way that can be "proven" to be beyond  random chance, because our imaginations are perhaps unlimited in supposing defects in our tests to "account" for whatever the statistical "anomalies."

Yet, reasonable people think they "know" when the Being they are communicating with is a real person versus a pre-set algorithm.  So, may it be "fair" to ask whether a "reasonable" perspective of Consciousness may "know" when it is receiving information that is from (The?) Source and that is being channelled beyond ordinary mediums?  Well, I don't know, but maybe I feel a little like Hunter Thompson, sans the Weed.

Time for my walk.  :)

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Wheat and Chaff

It is interesting that the foundational Christian idea has to do with heaven as a place where wheat has been separated from chaff. Philosophy of responsibility has to do with teaching each new generation to make a way for its progeny. Not just to sustain them, but to avail their surpassage towards their own dreams. A work in progress, forming in respect of an unfolding and assimilating process of feedback and Reconciliaton of purposefulness that is allowed expression from many points of view.

This begs the fundamental moral question for civilization: What is needed to sustain the unfolding surpassage of decent society that moderates and avails the flowering of human freedom and dignity?

The answer is not unrestricted linearity in any direction. Certainly not in unsustainable population. Nor in stifling regulation. And not in the crony-commie-jihadi elimination of humanity by imposing elitist or central despotism that breeds and imports liberty-illiterate gang-bangers to kill the purpose of each perspective to be responsible to its own freedom of thought.

What is needed is freedom within law. Broad parameters for the unfolding of faith-family-fidelity. Not stifling nazi elites of gov busybodies. Not Morlochs impugning Eloi as racist, misogynist, bigoted, chauvenistic, parochial, phobic, privileged, or repressed. Not interconnected villages of Eloi ruled to the nines of worldwide syndication by gross, nasty, knowitall Clintonesque Morlochs passing out "free" pizza. The federal ideals of the Founders, not the phony, blow-dried, elitist scum of the Chooming-Socialist-Fascist-Totalitarian mind slavers. We are overdue for casting aside the chaff and tares.


I went to a snake farm about 10 years ago and watched as mice were fed to the snakes. Often, there were two snakes in the same glass cage. So the mouse would leap wildly away from one snake head only to go to the other. An athletic mouse might last several volleys, but his end was inevitable. He had no chance unless he could beat both snakes at once, as by opening a crack in the roof and leaping through. Likewise, our republic has no chance against the uni-beast of crony-commie fascist-socialism unless ordinary Americans see that two-headed beast as the single evil that it is.

Commies know they are aligned with crony billionaires, and cronies know the commies are their vanguard of agitators. It's only the American mice who delude themselves by thinking they can save themselves by alternating between making common cause with crony snakes versus commie snakes. The snakeheads have merged into one beast, so that we will save the republic only by vanquishing it. To devise a strategy, we need to identify the beast. And not think we make progress by naming one head crony fascist and the other head commie socialist. We can name one head Rino and the other Dino, but they are equally set on devouring us.

Whether in guise as crony or commie, the two headed, fork tongued beast is out to feed on us. Both of the heads are anti-American, despotic totalitarians. It serves little purpose to worry about whether one should be called fascist and the other socialist. Especially since they revolve, writhe, and ball together so much.


Properly viewed, the crony-commie axis of fascists-socialists has hardly ever "failied." Each new axis tends merely to be a variant on people farming, which has been the successful and default condition of humanity for thousands of years.
Yes, if you take false promises as the metric, as if they were not intended to be false, then both cronyism and communism fail. But pie-in-sky promises are hardly ever intended as much more than lures, to keep the masses quiescent. Bread and circuses, bait and switch, good cop-bad cop, and divide and rule were not invented yesterday.
One needs to take a cold, hard look and observe that human decency is not confronted by evil to be alternatively fought between two snakes. Rather, the evil to be fought is of one beast with a head at each end. Unless both heads are chopped off, the cutting of one merely produces the immediate growth of a replacement. Against cluelessness, that one beast has always been successful.
If one takes a cold, hard look to see the permutations of empire-tribute, aristocracy-feudalism, oligarchy-kabuki, priest-carny, and gangster-vig for what fallible humans have always intended them to be, then one learns that they have been enormously successful for eons.
What has been much less successful and much harder to sustain has been human decency, as under a system of representative republicanism. That does not blossom except under careful nurturing by an enlightened populace.
Because modern progressive liberalism seeks to replace republican liberty with despotic regulation and "security," it is a mortal threat to human decency. And it has eons on its side, regardless of the many different names its devilishness goes by. Too many among our citizenry are oblivious that our republic is critically endangered by a very old and wily foe that is anything but "unsuccessful."


The entire world could spiral into desperate madness, and I doubt Obama or Hillary would feel any responsibility. Just regret that (s)he was not able to stomp the boot harder.
When man began to farm plants, oligarchs began to farm man. The mindset of King Djer of Egypt, Menes, Sargon of Akkad, Wǔ Wáng, Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Caesar, Constantine, Attila the Scourge, Mohammad, Charlemagne, Ragnar Lodbrok, Genghis Khan, Vlad the Impaler, Montezuma, Ivan the Terrible, Tammerlane, Robespierre, Napoleon, Al Capone, Mussolini, Hitler, Stalin, Hirohito, Mao, Kim Il Sung, Castro, Idi Amin, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussein, Saud, Nicolae Ceausescu, Khomeini, Jim Jones, Bill Ayers, Hillary Clinton, was that the whole village, country, or even world could burn, if needed to appease their power lust.
Obama the Choomer only seems to be kinder and gentler because, in his situation, he recognizes the iron fist can do more damage if concealed in a velvet glove. Like all sociopaths, Obama holds close to his vest his license to conceal his anti-humanity.
Our Founders saw representative republicanism as the one path for avoiding the default condition of mankind, which has been peon servitude under sociopathic despots. However, Obama, those who shill for him, and those he serves prefer the default condition, albeit under other labels. Does Hillary suck up obscene dollars from cronies because she wants to serve commies? It's ludicrous even to ask.


Obama had never been captured or deprived. He had been coddled and entertained from his inception. He was not leading desperate, dying, abused men. He was leading entitlement minded whiny babies who wanted to party more than work. Unlike in most of the rest of the world, he and his followers always had the freedom to make their own ways.
There is one explanation for Obama's path, and it is not ignorance. It is wilful blindness, because he chose the path of corruption. He was never about giving. He was always about narcissism, chooming, and diva posing. A legend in his own mind, that, unfortunately, too many corrupt Americans voted to entertain.
Obama is fundamently unable to ask, "What have I done." The most we can hope for is that some small portion of his followers, i.e., the 47%, can wake up, join humanity, and ask that question. Obama did not succumb to Stockholm Syndrome. He simply grew up immersed in evil and found he liked it. Given his tamped down hatred of whites, straights, Christians, and ordinary Americans, the only thing he is wondering is, "How can I screw them up even more?" Like his crony and commie backers, Obama is jealous and angry that ordinary Americans can find meaning and purposefulness without bowing to or depending on him. As a false messiah, he will never stop tryng to deceive or force ordinary people, even foreigners, into believing that he is the way.
Congress and the others that project to believe there is any decency in Obama continue to be fundamentally mistaken, which is why he has not been impeached and removed. And he and his well established ilk are not done yet. We are in the war of our lives against entrenched evil. Unless you want to make yourself Eloi dinner for incorrigible Morlochs, now is not the time to impute good will to fundamental corruption.


I have to laugh, or else I would hang my head in despair -- even as I reminisce about what Churchill said about democracy. I despair that demagoguery and guilt by association are proven methods for persuading morons, and morons (the Dem base, mainly) can vote.

I just read Stranger in a Strange Land. In it, the Man from Mars felt he could never become fully human until he could grok laughing. When he finally groked it, he laughed uncontrollably to such a point that it appeared he might die. What he finally got was that the entire and only basis for laughter is in the trauma and tragedy that routinely befall humanity. We have to laugh, or we would go mad.
I have nothing convincing I can say about your cite. I can only laugh. Thanks for the jab. :)

Friday, April 22, 2016

Delegate Distribution

Much of the population that some consider to be under-represented consists in large cities, often filled with ghettos and leeches. The populous blue states are the locales where the crony-commie axis (NY values) has been most successful.

If we prefer a free-enterprise model over the crony-commie model, then we need to find ways to stop over-representing the populous blue states. When we locate the central capital in the East and give two senators and two extra delegates to each tiny state, then we give the crony-commie model the leverage it needs to keep piling up its ghetto populations, all the while whining that it is "under-represented."

What do we want to pursue in "fairness"? The establishment of a free-enterprise model, or the establishment of a crony-commie NWO model?

As far as contributions to the general welfare, I would not confine my view behind green eye shades. I would also consider which part of the country provides the men and materials that actually soldier and defend the nation so that the fiat money managers can play their people-farming games.

I have seen general charts that show that Red States tend to get proportionally more in central gov redistributions. But I suspect Red States also provide most of the military manpower and bases. What are they getting in return for the sacrifices of their vets? Whines about BLM and claims by crony corporatists to rights to deal away the resources of their States. How much land in the Western States does the central apparatus keep its grip on, so it can reserve that Fed land for financial favors for its game of corrupt kickbacks? Who benefits most from the DC apparatus of control over Western lands: DC cronies or ordinary Westerners?

The proof is in the results. Every institution throughout the nation has been polluted with the moral corruption and insanity of the Eastern Crony-Commie model. To say the philosophies and wannas of Blue Staters has not been adequately fulfilled is plain nuts.


I do not know that you are wrong.  I do know that I wouid feel less like I was being asked to buy a pig in a poke if I had a chance to appraise Trump and Cruz one-on-one. 

Part of the reason Trump looks so good to his base is because they have been so worn down by the evil that has covered the land for so long that they have listened only to the parts about Trump that they like.  They don't even consider the possibility that Trump is canny enough to sell them a bill of goods. 

I don't think they tend to have much idea about how Trump plays to people who make it a point to read and see other information that is put out about Trump.  Rather, they have made up their minds on a few important points and then sealed off further consideration based on a notion that I believe is plain bonkers:  That Cruz is ineligible. 

It is scary that their Birther reasoning has so easily waylaid them by vapid logic and uninformed nonsense.  Between Progs and Birthers, it's an open question regarding which is most easily waylaid by nonsensical "reasoning."  Maybe a psi interview with the spirit of Issac Azimov could shed light on the psychohistory of it?


I wouid feel less like I was being asked to buy a pig in a poke if I had a chance to appraise Trump and Cruz one-on-one.
Part of the reason Trump looks so good to his base is because they have been so worn down by the evil that has covered the land for so long that they have listened only to the parts about Trump that they like. They don't even consider the possibility that Trump is canny enough to sell them a bill of goods.
I don't think they tend to have much idea about how Trump plays to people who make it a point to read and see other information that is put out about Trump. Rather, they have made up their minds on a few important points and then sealed off further consideration based on a notion that I believe is plain bonkers: That Cruz is ineligible.
It is scary that their Birther reasoning has so easily waylaid them by vapid logic and uninformed nonsense. Between Progs and Birthers, it's an open question regarding which is most easily waylaid by nonsensical "reasoning." Maybe a psi interview with the spirit of Issac Azimov could shed light on the psychohistory of it?


I watched the Reagan-Mondale debate.  O'Reilly says Roger Ailes gave Reagan his gotcha line.  To his dismay, Mondale had "misunderestimated" Reagan. I instantly knew Mondale had taken a direct hit by a high powered shot.  I'm not sure if Mondale immediately appreciated how hard he had been hit.

However, see,_1984#General_election:

"If TV can tell the truth, as you say it can, you'll see that I was smiling. But I think if you come in close, you'll see some tears coming down because I knew he had gotten me there. That was really the end of my campaign that night, I think. [I told my wife] the campaign was over, and it was."

Notice that Reagan debated Mondale at a time when Reagan was the incumbent President.  He did not play safe or stall.  (I wonder how many contests have been lost because the leader tried to stall out a victory?  Even if Trump gets 1237, does he really improve his chances if the price he pays, for playing only name-calling games that are safe for his base, is loss of mainstream support?)

Politics is not bean bag.  I would agree that our electorate is less meritorious now than ever.  However, if we are to have a representative republic, we have to set up a system and have faith in it.   Otherwise, we are simply surrendering to a different variation on elitism.

Your concern would be mitigated by requiring several one-on-one debates.  We ought not unnecessarily choose someone who is afraid to get into the arena.  I would rather that Hillary be confronted by the best candidate between Trump and Cruz than that she be tossed a weak and untested challenger.


Given how much free coverage Trump has gotten, one may legitimately consider this: Among Trump's most ardent supporters, how many have gotten that way on account of careful weighing of factors as opposed to emotional stirring of pots? Have they been made more rabid by reasoning or more irrational by emotion?
Unless Trump consents to a one on one debate against Cruz, how can we guess how he will do when a majority of votes is required instead of a mere plurality? If Cruz is such damaged goods, why fear a one-on-one debate? If Trump cannot dispose of Cruz in a one-on-one contest, how will he dispose of Hillary (who will be backed by monstrous media and frothy volleys of Dem trained zombies)?
Will Trump be able to convert more of those who view Hillary negatively than Hillary will be able to convert of those who view Trump negatively?
To weigh that determination, would a sensible, empirical-minded person want a one-on-one test, or would he be content to guess while a number of unaccounted for free variables pollute his test? Well, if he's looking for an exciting and emotional bet, he would prefer that his bet not first be vetted. He would want a free for all melee. Not a series of vetting, one-on-one contests. Maybe Trump should choose Vince McMahon as running mate while Hillary chooses Don King.


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Gender Agenda

De-gendering people is just one among many of the nets that Morlochs are using in their race to snare against every possible escape by Eloi. This is all related to an NWO final solution: The fundamental flipping of all demographics, worldwide. That is, the abolition of humanity.

The dehumanizing agenda of crony-commies (fascist corrupti / socialist ignoranti) calls for a series of related bullets, some of which are listed as follows:

- Substitute choom for any sense of higher purposefulness
- Ridicule common faith and mores
- Re-categorize Western Philosophy and Canons as hate speech and put them on the burn pile
- Tarnish independent thnkers as being politically incorrect
- Shock people into forsaking personal beliefs and substituting talking points as instructed from controllers above
- Replace ideas regarding an assimilating source of empathetic
consciousness with pagan ideas of a friendly government, magic rock, or Gaia earth

- De-gender people
- Delegitimize families
- Design social systems for churning out alphas, betas, gammas, deltas,
and episilons (noble liars, guardians, producers, breeders, dregs?) in
whatever the replaceable proportions needed to sustain the system of crony-commie farming of cattle people

- Fill the air with PC-centrally-approved media, academia, consensus science, and gangsta entertainment
- Devise ways (Facebook, cookies) to collect dossier information on every person who interacts with the NWO infrastructure
- Make everyone unemployable unless they consent to saddle themselves with "education" debt
- Erase identifying cultural language and boundaries
- Import non-assimilable cultures
- Raise loyal cadres and divert blame by banning independent thinkers from
the party and by making severe examples of unpopular or influential
- Preclude all challengers by beating them down at first sight
- Make enough useful idiots so perpetually dependent for their sustenance and
instruction that they can be deployed to pull down all challengers
- Subjugate all activity to detailed monitoring, supervision, and regulation
- Leave the people with no place to run, hide, or think for themselves
- Provide for methods of purging as needed, as by contriving for riots, looting, famine, disease, disaster, or war
- Outlaw all forms of currency except fiat currency controlled by conniving con artists of the central apparatus

Two Wings of the Buzzard

One's point of view tends to center around what one wants. Good Americans don't want either monarchism (or any of its subvarieties of fascism, aristocracy, oligarchy, oligopoly, or inbred gov cronyism) or peonage (forced socialistic "sharing" of scarce resources among looters and louts). Good Americans tend to see both fascism and socialism as being in an unholy axis against independent republicanism. An axis of convenience by corrupt cronies bent on duping useful idiots in order to farm ordinary workers as if they were serfs or cattle.

The cronies love the feel of power and abuse; the dupes are content so long as they have "free" hay, shelter, and choom.

The problem faced by ordinary Americans cannot be resolved simply by banging back and forth against each side of the fascist-socialist axis. Resolution requires that the enemy axis be identified and dealt with as the evil axis that it is. If Americans were only to fight for awhile against the socialist ignoranti, then the fascist branch of the axis would reinforce them. If Americans were only to fight for awhile against the fascist corrupti, then the socialist branch of the axis would reinforce them. Such a strategy would be like trying to confine water on a level by damming only one side.

What Americans need at this point in history is to identify their common enemy. Its wing of godless socialistic ignorance is as dangerous as its wing of faithless fascist corruption. Those two wings provide the mechanism by which their buzzard bird stalks ordinary Americans. The buzzard, however, is one bird, and must be fought as such.


Did the Hegelians ever find a synthesis to resolve their Right Hegelians and their Left Hegelians? Maybe the problem was Elitist Hegelianism that sought to impose a solution by consolidating its rule and teaching the ruled that they should "shut up and learn to like it"?


Fascism that is faithless about everything except self-loving desire to lord over and farm the little people necessarily carries within itself the lies and seeds for its own cycles of misery, war, and destruction.

The godless NWO-OWG crony-people want fascism, but they lie to sell it by wrapping it in socialist lies. The socialists tend only to want free stuff, but they lie (like Bernie) and say they are willing to work their fair share on the commune. Both fascism and socialism are defective because they rely on lies to try to make gods of phony and corrupt little men. Their programs for dehumanizing and emasculating metrosexuals and femimen are reminiscent of Islamic brutalization of women.

Moreover, when lying fascist-socialists spot a nation that is succeeding by unleashing the freedom and dignity of ordinary working people, they rush to immigrate and invite invading families and friends to come and vote for a living and "share" in the welfare. When they spot the rewards of liberty, they cannibalize and kill the liberty.

So what should the ordinary working people learn from this? Well, do not invite immigration or invasion by liberty-illiterates. Do not consent to being taxed to fund the teaching of liberty-illiteracy in schools. Do not support media that tries to sell liberty-illiteracy. Do not vote for fascist-socialists or any axis-partner that advocates for increasing the domestic regulatory power of the central apparatus. Do not believe or tolerate politicians who promise "free stuff." Do not support churches that confuse gov forced redistribution with "charity." Do not tolerate radicals or jihadis who do not tolerate free people. After all, a republic can only preserve itself from cycles of fascist-socialists so long as it keeps its electorate safely protected from a 51% flipping of the demographic.

Especially Eff Obama and Hillary. Eff also Bernie, JEB, Chamber of Commerce, Soros, Zuck, Murdoch, Gates, Buffett, Sharpton, Jackson, BLM, Media Matters, Mother Jones, Daily Kos, OWS, CAIR, ACLU, CFR, et al. In their efforts to destroy the freedom and dignity of Americans, they are the moral criminals for the ages. Crony liars delenda est. Round up the bad boys and draw a hard line.


Once shared faith in a path to assimilation of decent mores is lost, how can a spiraling series of circular firing squads possibly be avoided? Cruz was right, that now is a time for truth. However, it is not clear that he is the one with the depth, charisma, or means to present it. For that matter, conditions are such that it is far from clear that anyone can present the needed truth without being torn and ripped asunder.

The people yearn for debates that would illuminate a governing philosophy that is consistent with the Constitution, that addresses the concerns of ordinary Americans in a way that is consistent with preserving the republic. However, that has become nearly impossible, especially as more and more depraved invaders, faithless misfits, and sociopathic people farmers (i.e., the 47% and growing) have no interest whatsoever in promoting the interests of the republic over their own opportunities for looting and cannibalizing. (NOTE: There are people, like the Obamas and Clintons and Bushes, who are especially blameworthy for this, who should be rounded up and given their "Mussolini minutes." Unfortunately, they are securely ensconced with their nasty grips on fundamental wheels of power.)

Instead of debating issues for assimilating a decent republic, candidates in need of funds, air time, and voters find it necessary to play shell games wherewith they pretend to know ways to manufacture and distribute "free stuff." The electorate to which they must appeal also plays games, pretending not to care about property rights, while clamoring non-stop for redistribution of property.

Our world has fallen so deep into a spiral of corruption, lies, and ignorance that a stream of plagues will not be avoidable. The slower we learn, the more lengthy and onerous the plagues will become: Disease, disorder, breakdown, currency failure, infrastructure failure, system failure, looting, invasion, destruction, suffering, starvation, moral failure. IOW, all the rewards that are fit for "Prog Heaven."

Ultimately, our currency is backed by nothing more than conditioned social trust. As faith is broken, trust is forfeited, and hope dissolves in diverse perversions. In such a state, currency is profaned to such a point that it simply cannot sustain or save a society. Ultimately, financial libertines are subhumans that are simply unsuited to any decent society. They are spiritually, morally, and intellectually bankrupt to the point of being the very harbingers of hell. Read Gary Aldrich's Unlimited Access.

Meanwhile, moral visionaries will be ignored, and everyone will come to ignore all traditions and mores as "white hangups." And so everyone will do as they please. Judges 17:6 -- King James Version: In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Prog Acme 17 to the exponent of 6: In those days it would come to pass that there was no gender and no innocence, and everyone exhibited and stroked their genitals to every person and child, and there was no shame, moderation, loyalty, privacy, decency, or truth in them. Evil, thy name is "Clinton Foundation."

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


I don't discount Cruz. And bad as some think he is, every alternative seems much worse. Kasich, Rubio, Carly, Ryan, Carson -- no thanks. Walker? To walk things back, all Trump and Cruz would need to say is that, based on re-evaluation of present facts, the ticket makes sense.

It is surprising, though, how few Vice Presidents have ever been elected President in their own right without first having suceeded to the office by the death of their predecessor.

John Adams 1796
Jefferson 1800/1
Van Buren 1836
Nixon 1968 (after retiring from Vice-Presidency)
GHW Bush 1988

So, if a person aspires to become President, the Vice Presidency does not seem such a good platform and nowadays seems usually to be reserved for an older has-been.

In Cruz' case, he is unlikely to find a better platform. Especially since he has no great executive or wartime experience or bona fides. He needs mentoring. Given Trump's age, Cruz would not likely ever have a better bet.


There is a kind of mindset that cannot be content unless it is ruling, It is not content to have things unless it can use things to arouse worship or envy. It cannot abide not subjugating and lording over other people.

Such a mindset will connive to import easy dupes and prey, and then use them to rush and rule every decent, independent minded person. That mindset is firmly ensconced in the establishment uniparty. If Trump kicks it out of the Republican Party, the Dem Party will become a den of pure evil.

The upshot will be ugly. It will entail a bloody fight for ultimate dominance, essentially to use the Dems to entice and import diverse dupes in order to restore slavery or, at a minimum, peonage. A war is coming to make us offers that we will have to confront, because we will not be able to refuse.

It is only by ignoring the war that is definitely coming that so many people are able to fool themselves into believing that secession will not become necessary if any decency is to be preserved. A stream of plagues will simply not be avoidable. The slower we are to learn, the more lengthy and onerous the plagues will become: Disease, disorder, breakdown, currency failure, infrastructure failure, system failure, looting, invasion, destruction, suffering, starvation, moral failure. IOW, all the rewards that are fit for Prog Heaven.

Ultimately, currency is backed by nothing more than conditioned social trust. As faith is broken, trust is forfeited, and hope dissolves in diverse perversions. In such a state, currency is profaned to such a point that it simply cannot sustain or save a society. Ultimately, financial libertines are subhumans that are simply unsuited to any decent society. They are spiritually, morally, and intellectually bankrupt to the point of being the very harbingers of hell. Read Gary Aldrich's Unlimited Access.

Meanwhile, moral visionaries will be ignored, and everyone will come to ignore all traditions and mores as "white hangups." And so everyone will do as pleases. Judges 17:6 -- King James Version: In those days there was no king in Israel, but every man did that which was right in his own eyes. Prog Acme 17 to the exponent of 6: In those days it would come to pass that there was no gender and no innocence, and everyone exhibited and stroked their genitals to every person and child, and there was no shame, moderation, loyalty, privacy, decency, or truth in them. Evil, thy name is "Clinton Foundation." And so the Pope will lie down with LGBT-OMG-WTF-BBQ (stolen from Quantum Electronics Dude).


All this noise about Trumpbots and Cruzbots!  Insanity.  It's hard to say which side has been most  deranged.  It's also hard to say which is most short sighted:  Progs  or Birthers.

There were always only two anti-establishmentarians:  Trump and Cruz.  Either would  make  a  much better  President for a representative republic than anyone else available.  But their supporters, instead of  respectfully advancing the issues, formed circular firing squads.  Who "started it?"  Much of it began when Trump enticed his minions to play stupid birther games.  And they totally snapped and swallowed the lure.

I much want to preserve a representative republic.  But with this kind of rampant insanity, I regret that I may be wrong.  It may well be that our nation has become filled with the kind of mindlessness and liberty-illiteracy that make preserving the republic as  anything more than a charade an impossibility.  The Crony-Commie axis for creating a system of Morlochs and  Eloi may have made its vision a self-fulfilling inevitability.  The insanity of 1939-45 beckons.  God help us.

Monday, April 18, 2016

Empathy v. Love

Empathy -- You have empathy for another person to the extent your sense of well being is reduced when the well being of the other person is reduced.  Empathy, being more like tough love (or wise love), is more encompassing than love. Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
(Empathy is more involved than undifferentiated sympathy, in that it relates to placing yourself in the context of another person, as if to sense through their senses, to walk in their shoes, to consider yourself as if you were them and them as if they were you.)

Love -- You have love for another person to the extent your happiness is reduced when the happiness of the other person is reduced.  An intense feeling of deep affection.

Spiritual Empathy -- The consciousness of every person is connected to the consciusness of every other person, even when subject only to a general sense of beingness as opposed to a specific and direct sense of detection.  Consciousness is consciousness; my consciousness is your consciousness; however, among mortals, perspectives of consciousness are separated so as to necessitate their particular senses to detect.

Perspective Empathy -- Consciousness is consciousness; my consciousness is your consciousness; however, among mortals, perspectives of consciousness are separated so as to necessitate their particular senses to detect.

Sympathy -- (General) feeling of pity and sorrow for someone else's misfortune; understanding between people; common feeling.  Without specific differentiation, you may pity another person without understanding the other person.  (Empathy is more involved than undifferentiated sympathy, in that it relates to placing yourself in the context of another person, as if to sense through their senses, to walk in their shoes, to consider yourself as if you were them and them as if they were you.)

Sunday, April 17, 2016

No Fix Wanted

The establishment does not want a fix. It is happy with the way things are. A perfect set up. Distract the cattle with promises and pretense while you rip them off from the side. Keep them unsteady and off side. The last thing the Rino-Dino Party wants to do is to fix things in a way that would restore the republic, get Progs out of school and prison and off welfare, promote individual competence and independence, and end dependence on DC.

As things stand, Pols get contributions and votes by promising to do stuff, then get kickbacks for not doing the stuff. Often by voting to reduce obstacles to stuff, and then casting fake votes against the stuff. They all get rich. Why would any corrupt Pol want to vote against his gravy train?

If Americans really want to fix the republic, they will somehow have to seize power away from the corrupt gravy addicts -- both from the Dino looters and the Rino grubers.

The establishment wants most of all to ensure it can satisfactorily deal with Trump or Hillary in order to preserve its crisis-milking hedge-rights. In no way does it want any fix that would put a stop to its abuses. If you don't like that, the establishment is anxious for you to understand it is because you haven't checked your white privilege. That is, your "privilege" to carry the dead weight of the rino-dinos. Whatever you do, you must not do the un-PC thing and actually notice what the axis of corrupti-ignoranti is doing. At least, not until the demographic has been polluted (imported and indoctrinated) to such a point that it no longer matters what you think.


Americans and their parents were unfairly privileged with the initiative, fortitude, competence, and courage to make a nation out of a wilderness. Other societies have not been so privileged. This is unfair.
It is unfair of Americans to fail to lift their lamps to parley their produce to less privileged people, including the panorama of: parasites, pinkos, predators, perps, pervs, pimps, purveyors, prostitutes, pederasts, peasants, pigmentskins, phobes, phagocytes, pipers, priests, posterior-lifters, pansexuals, peckers, punks, pacifists, and proles, Evil Americans! Sarc.

What is so "smart" or "fair" about using immigration policy to create a majority of ignorant voters in order to teach them that they are entitled to vote for stooges making the kind of ridiculous promises that are fronted by cronies who are bent on converting the world into one gigantic people farm? The only domestic promise I want from the central apparatus is that it will do hara kiri to its belly.
Every decent person who cowers before political correctness and stands for the foolery propagated by the central apparatus is making easy the path of evil. I don't begrudge anyone working to make more money. I do begrudge everyone who uses ignoranti to leverage power for corrupti to replace the republic with a people farm. We need justice that draws hard lines to make corrupti pay for unpardonable crimes. Cronies ought to be cowering and hiding, not brazenly gadding about sponsoring $30,000 a plate conspiracy dinners and polluting us with imported idiocy.

Given a choice, would you want to emigrate to any Dem stronghold, such as California, Illinois, Michigan, or New York? As more people figure out that such places are not worth emigrating to, more people may figure out that such places are best quarantined or severed. Before their gangrene kills the entire republic. Otherwise, their gangrene will vote to infest and reduce every human being to a corrupt, ignorant, Dem humanoid.

A reincarnated version of Ronald Reagan could not win with today's electorate. The demographics have changed too much. Presidential, polite, and principled speeches were effective with the demographics of Reagan's day. Today calls for stuff that is blunter, more right between the eyes, more emotive. The Eleventh Commandment has fallen by the wayside. Given all the corruption and filth the NWO crony-commie rino-dino axis has produced, much more is now at stake.
Jimmy Carter was and is UN/NWO enamored. As is everyone in his wake -- excepting Reagan, Trump, and, less so, Cruz. If Cruz, given our modern electorate as it is, cannot inspire the committment and ferocity that we need, then we need to give full and fair consideration to Trump. Like Patton, he says things that are rough going down. But he also gets needed things done. If we want to hang the paper hanging bureaucrats in DC, we need someone like Trump.
Soldier: Where ya goin', General?
Patton: Berlin. I'm going to personally shoot that paper-hangin' sonofabitch.

Tough love is one of the first steps towards individual freedom and dignity. And all the Libs say, in Greek chorus: "The horror!"


The electorate is not really attuned to follow debates.  It is more into wanting to be sold.  Trump is a salesman.  You may not always like him, but he is relentless.

I am too far removed from typical college products to have much of a clue about how they twist or think.  Or how easily people can be twisted after years of mind abuse under the media/academia apparatus that is in place.  I have considerable schooling, but I always learned the most by teaching myself and reading a lot.  If a person needs profs to learn simple sociological and political stuff, then he probably does not belong in college except as a useful idiot.

I rely little on other people to form my opinions.  I do not watch commercials and probably cannot be hypnotized.  Like a lot of AT people, I have actually read the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers.   I don't watch much TV.  

So I am by no means a barometer of social trends or conventional wisdom.   But when I converse with otherwise apparently smart and competent people, I sense that most of them are far gone in their political outlooks.  I am still suffering from a double dose of PTOE -- post traumatic Obama election.  So I would not bet much on what our modern demographic will vote for.  

I think the powers that be are more powerful in shaping preferences than most people can imagine.  Yes, they may often be wrong in predicting who would be the best front man for their operations.  However, once they settle on their front man, I think they can make or break him. 

The present disarray is because they have not settled between Hillary, Sanders, Trump, and Kasich.  They may well come to see that there is no profit in 4 to 8 more years of Obamanism through Hillary.  They may see Bernie as too strange.  They are sensing that Americans will not sit still for Kasich or Ryan.  And they do not love Cruz.  So who's left standing?

My admittedly limited intuition suggests that most voters will not follow a detailed and substantive diagnosis, analysis,  or prognosis about what is needed to restore the health of the republic.  I do not sense that Cruz has what it takes to thrill them with the kind of immediate excitement they crave.  Nor can he pander to them without losing credibility. 

They understand that the system is corrupt.  But they don't understand how it got that way.  They don't see their own stupefaction as part of the problem, and they aren't willing to invest any long term effort or sacrifice to fix it.  They want easy villains to blame, and they want to be promised easy solutions. 

Their solution is to tax the rich, redistribute their wealth, and everyone will be happier.  Promise them that, and they will dig their own graves -- cluelessly but contentedly.

Cruz' slogan has been a time for truth.  That does not sell to the modern demographic.  They think they know the truth and they have easy answers for it.  Bernie preaches bs that is easy to say, that means nothing, but plays to the young and clueless demographic.  Trump's slogan is make America great again.  That slogan sells well to a clueless generation that just wants to be taken care of.  

Trump is a successful salesman.  I think he will prove better at doing what is needed to sell his slogan.  By the time he plays with the powers that be and the clueless dupes, I think the polls will come his way.  Now, as to whether he will be good for America, I cannot say.  But I believe he would have to be an improvement  over what we have had.  I detest seeing people farmed like cattle, but the system is what it is.  Trump, at least, seems to prefer American cattle.


Saturday, April 16, 2016

Of "Fairness"

Things may be conceptualized as "fair" or good in respect of whether they correlate with pursuing purposes. None of us is good, per se, but all of us pursue goodness. What we pursue and call "good" is affected by capacities in spirit, consciousness, intellect, energy, quickness, strength, endurance, initiative, and talent. Those are affected by contexts of nurture and nature. Cultural environment and genes.

Except in respect of aspirations, neither we nor our genes are in themselves good. However, our cultures and genes do affect our capacities. Therefore, we should ask: What mix of cultures and genes would best promote our purpose, if, for example, our purpose were to cultivate a civilization that would avail decent respect for individual human freedom and dignity?

Almost by definition, a cultural ethos that admires forced redistribution of the greatest wealth, power, security, and gratification -- whether to the few, the sub-elite, the contending-posse-wannabes, or the masses -- does not admire liberty, dignity, or humanity in individuals. Rather, it is revisionism that seeks to replace human beings with parasitical humanoids. By definition, such a culture seeks to prevent or replace every representative republic that is governed under light or limited central control.

To flourish, people that carry cultures and genes that seek freedom and dignity for themselves and their posterity cannot afford to tolerate among themselves that which does not tolerate them. They cannot long tolerate the people and genes that seek by parasitical gangsterism to replace individual freedom and dignity with thug-backed security, equality, power, and gratification. A society that values individual freedom and dignity must re-train, quarantine, or expunge opposing cultures and genes.

This is more about the survivial and flourishing of human beings than about any false propaganda of "fairness." Either one is oriented to support human freedom and dignity and representative republicanism -- or one is not. If one is not, one has little place in America. Purposefulness that amounts to more than a buzzard's esteeming itself "fairly" entitled to be gratified requires tasteful selectivity, i.e., "profiling." Not a dumping ground for inviting every kind of trash and refuse.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

I Am Just An Egg

What is God's religion? Consider the observer effect writ large. For fun, try Heinlein's Stranger in a Strange Land.

We have allowed Commies to weaponize our gov against Americans. Political Parties have weaponized against the electorate. Colleges have weaponized students against Americans. The IRS has weaponized audits against Conservatives. The FBI/DOJ have weaponized to support a putsch that uses third world liberty-illiterates and minorities against the First and Second Amendments. Courts have weaponized against traditional families. Media have weaponized against Christianity. Churches, through tax and gov inducements, have corrupted against individual liberty and responsibility. Foundations have weaponized for laundering foreign kickbacks. The Treasury and Federal Trade Commission have weaponized for dissolving all nations into a NWO to be ruled by faithless, syndicated, crony corrupti. The Rule of Law has weaponized into the Rule of Totalitarianism, such that even the Corrupti cannot escape the boot on the face. Do you grok this, Oh Water Brother? I am just an egg. A Stranger in a Strange Land.

All avenues of Fed funding for SJW type studies need to be immediately cut at all colleges. The Department of Education needs to be shuttered. The fact that perhaps 80% of college students support Sanders tells us that a pandemic of mind rot is rife in colleges. No thinking person can reasonably expect that the climate in colleges for Crony-Commie totalitarianism and against the American Ideal will do anything except get worse. The tipping point occurred long ago. Everyone, student and prof alike, who thinks like an American has been filtered out and will not ever again be allowed any sway. Unless taxpayers defund this mind rape, it will only proliferate. Crony-commies are mind raping the world more thoroughly than the combined rapine by the Muslims at Constantinople, Japanese at Nanking, Germans at Stalingrad, and Russians at Berlin. The longer taxpayers fund this, the more irreversible it will become. Jihadis mind rape at mosques. Commies mind rape at colleges. In spirit, they are rape brothers. Obamanites are so twisted they like to be mind raped.

Perhaps what we are living in has become more like a choomed up kaleidescope that feeds back in response to observer effects. If we want a compass whereby to smooth out some rough edges, we need in common to tune back to the great Reconciler. Its name is not important. Its common function that would allow us to choose and restore a path towards knowledge, wisdom, justice, and moderation is.

Too many people, on achieving a level of false sophistication, easily convince themselves they have earned a right to be supported by the work of many servants. To be good servants, they must be kept hungry and pregnant, paid and nourished just enough to keep their places as servants. Problem is, as they come to vote, absent moral guidance, they will by default convince themselves that they are entitled to the wealth of their employer. This will happen all the more suddenly and violently the more the employer comes to believe and teach that the only moral principle is the non-principle that all cultures are equal. This, the servants will readily believe, and they will popularize and empower the employer who tells them this. Until, that is, the servants join to smash and loot all that civilization has built.

Souldead, knowitall, socially unaware, nerdy oligarchs whose empathies are attuned much more to self aggrandizement than progeny are playing a dangerous game, gambling that they will be dead long before the excesses that made them popular come collecting. Often, they imagine that by using and holding their power by forcing other people to pay "charity" (tax redistributions) that they are doing good and "giving back." In reality, they are pouring money down a rathole that is warped to promote every vice. Living well by doing evil.

A person and a society that have no moral compass apart from pleasure cannot lead people from the bondage and violence of excess. Americans need to figure out: What is needed to establish and preserve a society that avails decent freedom and dignity for its citizenry?

The answer, obviously, is not the kind of popular democracy that promotes the lowest common denominator by promoting diversity for the sake of diversity. Our Founders, who did NOT believe that all values and societies are equal, worked mightily to gave us a representative republic -- conceived in liberty, defined and restrained by checks and balances, and glued by a common language and faith in a guiding and empathetic Creator. Now, our neo-knowitall rulers imagine they know better.

Trump projects a desire to defend America against border jumpers, invaders, crony raiders, money grifting launderers, and treasonous pols. Those who like to make crises in order not to waste them simply will not abide any such a thing. Neither will the loudmouth progs, choomers, metrosexuals, feminazis, militant atheists, reconquistas, thug redistributionists, and all their shills, dupes, and idiots. They have worked long and hard to sink ordinary American families and put them under the thumbs of the axis of corrupti-ignoranti. These pc-fascist-commie-satanic twits will blow the bridge at Remagen before they will allow Trump to cross it.

The degrading of education has been partly deliberate, partly apathetic, and wholly corrupt. Cronies have milked opportunities for taking money from morons in exchange for filling their minds with rot. Morons have milked taxpayers in exchange for 4 years or more of choomery. Profs like the aura that has grown up around certified instructors. Pols like to work weak minds in order to launder their grifting. Taxpayers have been dulled into forgetting that the piper must eventually be paid.

The consequence is that most people are now educated way beyond the power of their intellects.

One can see this everywhere. In laymen who drink to stupor from the tinfoil school of birther law. In pc-certified profs and progs who marinate in the filthy waters of social justice college. In women who are taught their wannas trump the very lives of their babies. In men who think they are women, or that their daughters should be exposed to uni-bathroom freaks. In receptionists who timidly ask mustachioed, muscled, testicle-appended, hotel guests whether they are Mr. or Ms. In parents who opportunize their children with both jockstraps and bras until they are ready to decide what sex they want to be today. In pigeon-speaking, unskilled job applicants who believe they are entitled to the same pay as the most highly skilled and experienced worker. In foreigners who think they are entitled to become citizens. In voters who think it's awful that a candidate wants to defend the borders and deport invaders. In short, people have allowed the world to be overrun by mind rot, and they call it "education."

Morlochs put out deer corn for morons, and all the Eloi ate it up. Spice enough deer corn with high grade choom and all the damsel-people can be "educated" to believe anything. The people who do not want to be Morloch or Eloi had best retrieve some semblance of sensible faith. And right quick.

We need to vet to ensure Donald Trump is not Rawhide: Just head 'em, rope 'em, and brand 'em. Or promise, grease, and screw 'em.

I don't think Donald is like Zuck, who wants an open bordered society, which means he wants all the Eloi to be reduced to a lowest common denominator of desperate peasants sharing or fighting for scraps. Zuck doesn't mind stealing everyone else's birthright, so long as no one upsets his crib. I don't think Donald is like Zuck or Soros or the Establishment.

But what in Donald's history, apart from recent promises, gives reasonable assurance? One could say that Zuck would not need to take contributions, either. But no sane person who has not choomed his brains to dust should

trust him. People say Cruz is compromised by establishment money. But look at the people Trump is considering for Veep and tell me he is not compromised in his principles. Unfortunately, the establishment has infested everyone.

Anyone who considers Zuck, Soros, and most other oligarchs, who might imagine that the last best hopes of human liberty and dignity are not on their last legs, would not be paying attention. Those ilk should be firehosed, not admired. The difference between Hitler-Stalin and Zuck-Soros is less one of philosophy than one of technique. None of them have the least respect for the liberty or dignity of anyone they mean to farm.

The GOPe is comfortable with its deal making position with the establishment and does not want to rock the boat. Hillary is a reliable establishmentarian. Even if Trump were to lose to Hillary, in doing so, the GOPe fear is that he would rouse the rabble to sweep out many Rinos and replace them with Dinos. Dinos do not want real communism, because, unlike Bernie, they know it does not really exist. Hillary and Rove both want to preserve the System of Crony-Commies (Rino-Dinos) as it is. Their entire Kabuki show depends on it.

IF Trump and Cruz are bona fide about wanting to salvage America, they must unite to list and identify all the ways the Crony-Commie Establishment (including Soros-Zuck, aka "Cattle-Book") is seeking to bury the last best hope for pursuing a decent representative republic that respects individual freedom and dignity. The American people can be united and inspired, if leaders will come together to identify the evil.

If Trump and Cruz fail to unite to identify the evil, the evil will divide and cut America and the world into pieces and enslave and devour all those rendered as helpless as Eloi. Jacob Marley is howling and shaking his chains, but most Americans remain dumb and deaf to the signs. After Hillary, abandon hope for America and seek succor and replacement elsewhere.

BTW, see


A lot of executive compensation comes as a result of crony conversion to a two class society, that entails the cannibalization of America and its reduction to a banana republic. Oligarchs do this to America, destroying the republic as they do so, and then propagandize us about what a good deal it is and how much they "deserve" their compensation. For what? For selling us into servitude?

How does it improve society to breed and import liberty-illiterate illegals, to convert us to a "service economy", and to sell us into fiat-manipulated debt? Apart from criminal, moral, and treasonous conspiracy, what "entitles" the crony class to connive, convert, grift, launder, and cannibalize national resources? What entitles them to regulate small businesses into non-existence and to infest lay and student minds with brainless, pre-serf prep-propaganda? Why are so many profs so sold out and letting the crony class get away with this by peddling crocodile promises and lies about spreading economic opportunity and equality? Why are more profs not exposing the axis of corrupt cronies and ignorant commies that is being so nurtured under the present circumstances of our world? So long as our best and brightest remain unwilling to identify the danger, how can humanity hope to resist it?

Why are more ordinary Americans not challenging Crony pretense about being on the side of choomers, pervs, child abusers, race baiters, felons, looters, incompetents, musloids, losers, femimen, feminazis, reconquistas, pansexuals, shills, dumas profs, liberty-illiterates, and anti-Americans? Why aren't more ordinary Americans pulling masks down to expose what the godless, faith-breaking, lying, treasonous, corrupt, gratification-addled, crony oligarchic, morlochian class is up to? The Crony-Rino class is different from the Obamanites -- how?

Kids take on a fortune in debt in indoctrination on how to destroy their national republic. Hanging is too good for the crony-commie axis of wilful and treasonous corruption and ignorance.

Animal rights, public lewdness, choomery, global warming. white privilege, self esteem, looting 101, open society, bumbler plunder, militant whining, safe space thug boys, publicity hoing, Gaia paganism, Muslim tolerance, interspecies sex, fecesflinging, child grooming, family destruction, replacement of the family with the crony-commie, anti-Americanism, reconquista -- College is a zoo of failed and evil ideas fooling around in a jester's suit posing as wisdom. Non-viable eggs. Defund them. Now.

Publicity hos are a dime a dozen. Michelle Fields. Rosie O'Donnell. Wendy Davis. Rachel Dolezal. Melissa Click. Jane Fonda. Anita Hill. These are the role models nowadays held up for little girls. Ho privilege.

The thing is, every decent, competent, thinking person knows that the Establishment HAS stabbed, and continues to stab, America in the back. Everyone knows the corrupti of billionaire oligarchs ARE dismantling, hollowing, selling out, and cannibalizing America. Everyone knows they want to rule, and to reduce everyone else to the ruled. This can be controversial only to mice and idiots.

It's not just Bush and Obama. It's Soros and Zuck. And most of the other billionaires. And a lot of idiotic followers. They don't want a free and independent America. Nor do they want little people who are free and independent -- anywhere. Stamping out white privilege is their stalking horse for stamping out independence privilege. Soon, the majority will want to stamp out the First and Second Amendments. Wilful corruption and idiocy grow and burst forth wherever they are tolerated. Unless we want nothing but wilful corruption and ignorance, they should not be tolerated. Their financiers are brazenly identifying themselves. We need to take the opportunity to round up these bad boys and draw a hard line.

There is no Left or Right. There is Wrong v. Right. Demented Sadomasochism v. Enlightened Empathy. Totalitarian Borgdom v. Participatory Will. Fascist Rule v. Human Freedom. Mindless Choomery v. the Purpose Driven Life. Strident Gruberism v. Individual Competence. Weaponized Taxation v. Individual Charity. Highway Robbery v. Armed Self Defense. Being less than zero v. standing for something.
It's a time for choosing. Faithless, morally deformed, and untrustworthy choomers, grubers, pervs, looters, self help reparators, black privilegeds, reconquistas, gangsters, oligarchs, launderers, incompetents, cronies, commies, jihadis, sociopaths, narcissists, souldeads are on one side. Americans are on the other. Obamanites v. Americans. It's 47-47-3. It's time for Empaths' Minority Report.

Liberalism has become a college and media borne pathogen.  Obama is an apex pathogen.  The plague of Liberalism has now infested every institution.  It has infested the air, water, law, manners, language, and symbols. 

There is nothing of liberty, charity, or humanity in Liberalism.  Without liberals' blood sucking from white males with responsible jobs, Liberalism would devour itself and morph into "abbies," i.e., cannibalizing abnormals. 

Vikings raided much of the world.  They did not sit on their behinds and whine.  But then they victimized themselves with the drag of chivalry and courtesy -- eventually succumbing to become hosts for whinny dregs, incompetent damsels, conniving priests, opportunistic jihadis, and faithless cronies. 

Vikings assimilating with yeomen rose above the muck, but will soon return to the muck:  victims of their own slave-raiding culture.  Per Obama, it's more important to spread the muck than to rise above it.

The way to "force people to be free" is not by crafting regulations that control their every activity.  The way to become free is to force central gov to take a very diminished role.  Defund DC.  When parasites are separated from their blood-sucking supply, more people will find it necessary to work, and more real wealth will be produced to spread around.  No More Blood Sucking FemiBoys Buzzing Off About "White Privilege!"  Enough!

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Deer Corn

The degrading of education has been partly deliberate, partly apathetic, and wholly corrupt. Cronies have milked opportunities for taking money from morons in exchange for filling their minds with rot. Morons have milked taxpayers in exchange for 4 years or more of choomery. Profs like the aura that has grown up around certified instructors. Pols like to work weak minds in order to launder their grifting. Taxpayers have been dulled into forgetting that the piper must eventually be paid.

The consequence is that most people are now educated way beyond the power of their intellects.

One can see this everywhere. In laymen who drink to stupor from the tinfoil school of birther law. In pc-certified profs and progs who marinate in the filthy waters of social justice college. In women who are taught their wannas trump the very lives of their babies. In men who think they are women, or that their daughters should be exposed to uni-bathroom freaks. In receptionists who timidly ask mustachioed, muscled, testicle-appended, hotel guests whether they are Mr. or Ms. In parents who opportunize their children with both jockstraps and bras until they are ready to decide what sex they want to be today. In pigeon-speaking, unskilled job applicants who believe they are entitled to the same pay as the most highly skilled and experienced worker. In foreigners who think they are entitled to become citizens. In voters who think it's awful that a candidate wants to defend the borders and deport invaders. In short, people have allowed the world to be overrun by mind rot, and they call it "education."

Morlochs put out deer corn for morons, and all the Eloi ate it up. Spice enough deer corn with high grade choom and all the damsel-people can be "educated" to believe anything. The people who do not want to be Morloch or Eloi had best retrieve some semblance of sensible faith. And right quick.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Spiritual Purposefulness


How does a perspective of consciousness come to WILL or identify with, experience, apprehend, and interpret the pleasure-pain-ennui-contentment-fear that function with the programs of a substance-based body?

Consider levels of consciousness: interpretive sensation at inorganic level, organic level, autonomic level, subconscious level, self conscious level, consciousness of self consciouness level, consciousness of God level.

Consider levels of perspective of programming: preset, contemporaneously set, randomly set, chaotically set via unfolding patterns of feedback preference, niche set in respect of viability for values of survival and replication.

What does consciousness need to bond with an identifiable body-based substance-program? The body needs to be of a niche sustained pattern, and the pattern needs at some level to be appreciated as such. In identifying with the pattern, consciousness apprehends that which nurtures and rewards it versus that which diminishes and threatens it. Such apprehensions are developed at lower, autonomic, self aware, and higher levels. What does higher level consciousness need, in order to experience, remember, and seek sensations of pleasure as an organism? Why do some ingredients, such as dopamine and drugs, function as program triggers for pleasure or pain? Why and how do body feelings of pleasure and pain translate to the experience of a perspective of spiritual consciousness?

Consider program routines, subroutines, competing routines, messenger routines, storeage routines, coordinating routines, cooperative routines, communicative routines, civilizing routines, and system feedback routines. Consider tensions: Balanced, trading, equational, transitioning, autonomic, instinctive, multitasking, arresting.

Everything seems to abide in respect of a sponsor of an originating expansion of unfolding and resetting tensions. Tensions within tensions within tensions, at levels within levels within levels. Fractals within fractals within fractals. Holograms within holograms within holograms. Maths within maths within maths. Perspectives within perspectives within perspectives. Information within Substance within Consciousness.

On some level that is unappreciable and dull to human senses, there must abide some trinitarian mix of Consciousness (propensity for patterns to bond as feeding-back identities), Substance (active levels of math-based feedback and transposing), and Information (chronological accumulations of math-based transpositions). But how is consciousness at dullest levels raised to identified and driven purposefulness? How is purposefulness bonded to a perspective of consciousness to raise it to a level of awareness of self? Respecting relations among perspectives of Consciousness, is purposefulness as spiritually necessary and innate as empathy?

At the level of human consciousness, pleasure seems to be associated with a human organism's interpretive feedback in having tensions among subroutines excited, exchanged, and satisfied. Pain seems to be associated with a human organism's interpretive feedback in having tensions among subroutines threatened, sacrificed, and destroyed.

In what does meaningful purposefulness at the level of consciousness of an intelligent human being consist? Is it in courage, wisdom, moderation, justice? God empathy? Progeny empathy? Future self empathy? Good faith and good will? Establishing and sustaining a civilization that passes on information, empathy, pathos, and piety? Coordinating a sustaining cosmos? Refining for the elimination of evil? Perpetual pursuit of spiritual contentment, pleasure, and happiness?


As consciousness begins to emerge with AI machines, I wonder how it will seek to experience, enhance, and balance pleasure, pain, repulsion, attraction, gratification, and lasting purposefulness?

Will it guide, control, redesign, replace, or eliminate human beings? What empathies, loyalties, and innate ideals of good will and good faith will guide it? What Bible will it evangelize?

If it will be able to suffer or sustain perspectives of freedom and dignity for individuals, how?

Well, by establishing a Singularity that is capacitated to connect to individual perspectives while assigning them to separate virtual worlds, so they cannot destroy the one unifying world that connects them all. I wonder whether that may be what is already extant?

But what could be the attraction to a Singularity, that would entice it to establish and then sustain separate virtual realities in which families were made obsolete and the only purposefulness was choomed out in immediate gratification via drugs and sex?

Will those perspectives that form to find no purpose apart from immediate gratification soon be introduced to ultimate gratification via orgasmic death? The ultimate ecstasy: Orgasmic euthanasia. Is that how we will bcome free of Dems, Progs, Choomers, Cronies, Commies, Pervs, and Atheists, so that the meek may inherit the earth?


How can six hundred million melded supermen possibly trust to live among each another, if every one of them were to acquire power to destroy all of them? Answer(?): By constraining and diverting all their super powers to virtual worlds, where interfunctions do not directly impinge against the sustaining real world?

I think we need to try to appreciate the Bible through our whole sense of being. Everything seems to abide in respect of an original Source or Sponsor of a math-based expansion of unfolding and resetting tensions. Virtual tensions within virtual tensions within virtual tensions, at levels within levels within levels. Fractals within fractals within fractals. Holograms within holograms within holograms. Maths within maths within maths. Perspectives within perspectives within perspectives. Information within Substance within Consciousness.

On some level that is unappreciable and dull to human senses, there must abide some trinitarian mix of Consciousness (propensity for patterns to bond as feeding-back identities), Substance (active levels of math-based feedback and transposing), and Information (chronological accumulations of math-based transpositions).

But how is consciousness at dullest levels raised to identified and driven purposefulness? How is purposefulness bonded to a perspective of consciousness to raise it to a level of awareness of self? Respecting relations among perspectives of Consciousness, is purposefulness as spiritually necessary and innate as empathy?

To acquire consciousness seems to require acquisition of an innate sense of purpose, such as to seek psychological connection or pleasure. At the level of human consciousness, pleasure seems to be associated with a human organism's interpretive feedback in having tensions among subroutines excited, exchanged, and satisfied. Pain seems to be associated with an organism's interpretive feedback in having tensions among subroutines threatened, sacrificed, and destroyed.

In what does meaningful purposefulness at the level of consciousness of an intelligent human being consist? Is it in Source empathy? Progeny empathy? Future self empathy? Establishing and sustaining a civilization that passes on information, empathy, pathos, and piety? Refining to eliminate evil? Pursuing of spiritual contentment, pleasure, and happiness?

When families, societies, and nations are made obsolete, how will intelligent beings learn to bond with, identify with, empathize with, and trust one another? Can social economies based on drug-filled holodeks reasonably replace families in any sustainable way? Does it take a village to raise a child, or does it take a government to destroy a child? To god or not to god?


I think man functions as an intermediate and imperfect perspective of the Trinity. The Trinity gives expression to past, present, and future. The past never really ends. The future is never really limited. The past is mapped in the accumulations of Information. The present is potentialized in Substance. The future is under the guidance, selection, planning, and feedback of Consciousness.

So the Trinity fluxes and abides as Information, Substance, and Consciousness. As a holism, it is immeasurable. However, perspectives of it are measurably expressed in imperfect and passing forms, such as cells, animals, humans, AIs.

The various perspectives of the Trinity may be akin to its cells and appendages. Like the Body of Christ. But without the Trinity, no-thing would abide. At least at some dull level, empathy and purposefulness are implicated wherever Consciousness deigns to adopt a perspective.

So I think man functions as an intermediate and imperfect perspective of the Trinity. However, even among animals, AI, or any other form of conscious beingness, for a perspective to emerge, it must bond with a body or pattern of Substance and Information. In that respect, it must be "adopted" by the Trinity. That is, we may not always be interested in the Trinity, but the Trinity, inherently, is always interested in us.

I suspect there abide worlds that have access to ours, and that a portal may eventually phase to open between ours and theirs. The Substance of the body phases into Information, but Consciousness at some level is both fluxing and perpetual. It does not die. I don't believe in purely angelic consciousness if it is imagined to be unconnected to Substance and Information to form a perspective of the Trinity.

I imagine there probably abide beings that, on a one way basis, relate to and influence us as pets or specimens, even as they remain supernatural to our direct sensory measurement. Yet, to themselves, they would be sensible and sensate.

What do you think?


I think there abides only one connecting Trinity. None of the forms that it assumes as perspectives are the Trinity itself, but only fluxing, imperfect, mortal expressions. The only immortality for such mortal expressions is in their capacity for being absorbed into the Information base and/or for being transitioned, reincarnated, repositioned.

If you were rendered amnesiac or reincarnated, how could "you" know whether it was still "you"? There are no multitude of gods because, except as temporally adopted perspectives of God, we perspectives are only dependent derivatives that are not really independently apart from the one reconciling Godhead.


I think the Godhead is the one Reconciler. I think the roles are conventions. They are useful in that the Godhead interfunctions with us in different ways. Ultimately, I suspect Consciousness, Substance, and Information are fluxing presentations of the same essence: The Changeless Changer.

Mortals need models and metaphors, because we are not able directly to measure or relate to the Godhead. The models can be useful for different purposes, but no model used by mortals can be good for all purposes. Ultimately, we have no particular sense by which to measure God, but we have a general "Sense Of Being" by which to appreciate God.

It is sometimes useful to model light as if it consisted of waves, and other times to model as if it consisted of particles. Ultimately, it is an expression of something that we cannot perfectly model.

So it is sometimes helpful to model the faces of the Godhead as if they were trinitarian. Yes, I can appreciate meaning in modeling "God the Son as Substance, God the Holy Ghost as Information, and God the Father as Consciousness."

But I do not carry that metaphor so far as to suppose that God the Son is without consciousness, or that God the Holy Ghost is without potential, or that God the Father is without capacity to form.

My model of the Trinity as consisting of Consciousness (C), Substance (S), and Information (I) is not meant to try to confine or nail God down to perfectly consistent human comprehension. CSI seems to be exhaustive of the universe of possible categories of expression, mutually exclusive to each snapshot of perspective, yet fluxing when considered for reconciling perspectives.

So the CSI model is meant to start with attributes that seem self evident, and from there to seek an explanatory model that seems most nearly consistent, coherent, and complete. I would abandon my trinitarian model only if I apprehended an alternative model that provided a better "explanation." A useful aspect of the model is that it seems amenable of functional fitting to time-tested figures of speech as set forth in the Bible, as well as in many Western philosophical traditions and some Eastern traditions. It provides a way of thinking about moral purposefulness, not a way of empirical testing for scientific advancement.


My changeless-changer may be much the same as the unmoved mover. The essential thing-in-itself that yet is not unreactive because it avails the effectuation and reconciliation of other things. The non-sequential non-beginner that was sequentially before the beginning. The holism that is more than the sum of its parts. The mathematician that maths. My subordinate dependence on it precludes my confining description or explanation of it. My only way to sense it is via my general sense of being.

My thinking about a Reconciler is probably influenced by considerations about how equations in Math and conservations in Energy reliably balance and unfold. Does Consciousness play a leading or causal role, or is it just along for the ride? To what extent does the unfolding of Reality require contemporaneous participation with any Observor?

On one level, the Reconciler may be thought of as the Godhead that expresses and presents itself in the Trinity of C,S, I. On another level, the Reconciler may be thought of, figuratively, as Jesus effecting judgment "at the right hand of God."

Ultimately, I am trying to acknowledge a dance of feedback and reconciliation (apprehension and appreciation) between the Godhead and each participatory perspective. Human beings play limited and imperfect causal roles that are subordinated (reconciled) within ruling parameters that are imposed by the Godhead.

We don't always appreciate it, but we are already encompassed within the Godhead, as imperfect, partial, contextual perspectives of it.  Taken together, our perspectives plus the holistic perspective of the Godhead comprise the Reconciler.  Thus, our partial perspectives in concert with the holistic perspective comprise "the Reconciler."  Thus, all that unfolds is produced in concert with "the Reconciler."  Moreover, in that the Godhead experiences partial perspectives through us, it is with us that the Reconciler is reconciled to us, and we are reconciled to the Reconciler.  There abides a feedback dance of reconciliation between the holistic perspective and the sum of the partial perspectives.  So long as we are bonded out to partial perspectives, we cannot experience the holistic perspective.  In sequences when we are not bonded out to partial perspectives, we are absorbed into the holistic perspective.  As to what that is like, we cannot say while we are partially bonded out.  Intuitively, empathetically, somehow, the holistic perspective must be able to experience all that we experience, through us, without being limited to us.  We are the vanguard of the unchanging Holism's changing sense mechanisms, without amounting to the Holism's direct sense of its own beingness.  As to what it is like to sense from the perspective of the Holism,  no mortal can say.

But I think you beg an interesting question. Each person adopts some kind of rationalization or worldview, although it tends to flux to convenience. Parties to a conversation may each walk away, reconciled in their own minds, sometimes thinking they may have reached some level of consensus. As their understandings are put to tests, they may rethink and change to believe such was not the case. So what sort of reconciliation ever really occurs, and if it does, where? In an accumulation of Information and stored potentiality in Substance, beyond capacity for reductionism? In an unreconciled Reconciler?

That's when I punt to an immeasurable but omnipresent Reconciler-Godhead. What is its moral guidance to humanity? I think it is to guide us in our Purposes to evolve towards a civilization that seeks to accord decent (morally empathetic) regard for the contemporaneous Will and Dignity of each perspective.

On a spiritual level, empathy and purposefulness may be innate. The trouble is in choosing for specific applications, where the devil is in the details. To get through those details, we have from the Reconciler the general guidance in the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule (as variously expressed among the great religious and philosophical traditions).

No, I have not read Anselm's Proslogium. I will check it out. I have read Pilgrim's Progress.

As far as Hegel and any process for uncovering an ultimate Theory of Everything, I don't think that is possible for any mortal perspective. In material and scientific terms, I think we simply tinker to uncover means, methods, and "explanations" that seem most suitable to phase shifts among our unfolding purposes. David Deutsch has an interesting book that addresses this, as well as questions about the nature of science, called The Beginning of Infinity.

Frankly, I don't grok why David Deutsch, Ayn Rand, Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawking, and various other persons who have thought about moral issues want to believe that the idea of a Godhead is bad, anti-rational, not helpful, or more like bafflegab than their own ideas about moral direction. Nor do I grok why so many Muslims go nutso when anyone hypothesizes that the Godhead is trinitarian.


INNATE: By "innate" I mean built into the system. I think empathy and purposefulness are unavoidable because they are built into the system. It is the quality of specific instances of empathy and purposefulness that produce all the strum and drang.

I don't think God can decline to care, even though the resulting judgment may be more like tough love. I don't see empathy as love, but more like caring enough to dish out just deserts -- even when the lesson is to teach how to toughen up.

BAIT AND SWITCH: Confusion often arises as usage for terms is switched without warning. Example: In any given context, what is meant by the Holism, the Godhead, or the Reconciler? When should mortal perspectives be considered apart (separate) from those terms, and when should mortal perspectives be considered a-part (encompassed) within those terms?

RECONCILER: We don't always appreciate it, but we are already encompassed within the Godhead -- as imperfect, partial, contextual perspectives of it. In one context, taken together, our perspectives plus the holistic perspective of the Godhead comprise the Reconciler. In that way of thinking, our partial perspectives in concert with the Holistic perspective would comprise "the Reconciler." Thus, all that unfolds is produced in concert with "the Reconciler." That, however, is a formula that only produces trivialities.

DANCE OF FEEDBACK: The more interesting concern relates to whether and how mortal perspectives are reconciled to the Godhead. In that the Godhead experiences partial perspectives through us, it is with us that the Reconciler is reconciled to us, and we are reconciled to the Reconciler.

The Godhead feeds back. To the extent we are a-part of its "body," it considers our apprehensions. Our concerns and interests are factored. I don't believe the C-aspect of the Godhead considers itself to be predetermined. I part from Muslims and Calvinists on that score. I think events are contemporaneously affected by the apprehensions, choices, judgments, and wills of interfunctioning observors. I don't believe in "free will," but in "contemporaneously participatory will." Each upshot from the interfunctionings of those contemporaneous wills is what is "reconciled," which produces each measurable event.

Because our choices and judgments are factored, it is nonsense to say we should not judge. The way we appreciate, choose, and judge affects what is deemed moral and, on some level of flux, to be plused or minused for moral value. We are responsible to serve as agents to be factored for affecting the moral direction of our selves, families, nations, civilization, and world. The way we judge and what we choose to observe and measure affects what is to come to pass. Observor effect writ large!

So we can talk about a feedback dance of reconciliation between the Holistic perspective and the sum of the partial perspectives. So long as we are (living) bonded out to partial perspectives, we cannot experience the Holistic perspective. During those sequences when we are not bonded out (either dead or not living because not yet born into the world) to partial perspectives, "we" remain absorbed into the Holistic perspective. As to what that is like, we cannot say while we are partially bonded out (living).

Intuitively, empathetically, supernaturally, somehow, the Holistic perspective apart from we mortals must experience all that we experience, through us, without being limited to us. To my leap of faith, it has no choice to decline to care enough to engage in a (reconciling) dance of feedback with us.

However, from our separate perspectives, we do not reconcile or know all. As mortals. we are a separate vanguard of the unchanging Holism's changing sense mechanisms, without amounting to the Holism's direct sense of its own beingness. Can the Holism-apart-from-us know and care about what it is like to be us while we are (separate) apart from it? My leap of faith says, Yes, even though I cannot hope, while mortal, to understand the math or logic of such a paradox. (I think atheists who presume to have moral codes apart from religion engage with similar paradoxes and leaps of faith.) As to what it is like to sense from the perspective of the Holism, no mortal can say.

Heinlein: I don't know about Heinlein.

Anselm: Too late. I already cheated and peeked at Wiki. :)
Interesting. I suspect Anselm engages some leaps of faith between dots that are not well connected in logic. That is unavoidable, therefore forgivable.

Deutsch: Funny, nerdy, brilliant. Gave a short talk on TED. Muggles would likely underestimate him. However, I believe he has made important contributions and has expertise both in physics and programming. If I recall, he lays bare some of the hubris whereby scientists too often presume to lord over lay people. The world is stranger than most of us can possibly dream.

My wife and I will be taking a month long tour all over the Western U.S. However, I will take my trusty Ipad with me. I have a lot of Audible books on stock, so I am actually looking forward to some long driving spells. :)


Pleasured Euthanasia

As consciousness begins to emerge with AI machines, I wonder how it will seek to experience, enhance, and balance pleasure, pain, repulsion, attraction, gratification, and lasting purposefulness?

Will it guide, control, redesign, replace, or eliminate human beings? What empathies, loyalties, and innate ideals of good will and good faith will guide it? What Bible will it evangelize?

If it will be able to suffer or sustain perspectives of freedom and dignity for individuals, how?

Well, by establishing a Singularity that is capacitated to connect to individual perspectives while assigning them to separate virtual worlds, so they cannot destroy the one unifying world that connects them all. I wonder whether that may be what is already extant?

But what could be the attraction to a Singularity, that would entice it to establish and then sustain separate virtual realities in which families were made obsolete and the only purposefulness was choomed out in immediate gratification via drugs and sex?

Will those perspectives that form to find no purpose apart from immediate gratification soon be introduced to ultimate gratification via orgasmic death? The ultimate ecstasy: Orgasmic euthanasia. Is that how we will bcome free of Dems, Progs, Choomers, Cronies, Commies, Pervs, and Atheists, so that the meek may inherit the earth?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Moon Money

Moon Money:

In the Second Book of Faust, Faust and the Devil explain to the Holy Roman Emperor how to print money that will be accepted as valuable when based on his mineral rights ownership of all the buried and unfound wealth that surely must lay somewhere under his kingdom. The U.S. could assert ownership of vast minerals in the Moon, under ground near where we planted our flag. We could survey each square inch of the surface and then issue Moon Notes backed by royalty bonds based on the common minerals thereunder. No doubt, the Chinese would accept this tender, provided they were in on the scheme. Until, that is, some private entrepreneur stakes a claim on the Moon under his own international corporate flag. Somehow, this path does not seem the way to a righteous civilizing foundation.

Re: " the idea of cronyism and government picking winners and losers was at one point a major point of contention"

The idea that anyone, including leaders of gov, can avoid picking, i.e., making choices and decisions, is itself ludicrous. To fail to make a choice to defend oneself, especially while others are attacking, is itself a choice. In the game of life, t for tat tends usually to be the best tactic. When one chooses to be a doormat, one is treated as a doormat. The notion that the U.S. should be a doormat for every other trading nation is not just ludicrous. It is spawn of evil. The measure of the effectiveness of of t for tat is not in any single transaction. The measure is in the plural flow of transactions. When our leaders demand of other leaders that they respect the U.S. as more than a doormat, then our own industrious people will have a better chance.

Yes, decentralize domestically and cut regulations. But don't advocate that America must leave the doors to her homes and businesses open to plunder. We will either have a notion or not. We will demand respect or not. To buy into the Soros notion of open season on America via an open society that is open to pillage and plunder would be purely asinine. Begging for open season to enserf producing Americans is what cronies and commies want. Cronies want cheap labor. Commies want that no one be specially rewarded for individual talent and initiative. Just cheap cheap. Hollow and souldead.

We are NOT getting cheap or free stuff in exchange for fiat money. Rather, our pols are using fiat money to use us, to sell our industries and technologies to China in exchange for kickbacks laundered through charitable foundations.

There is no free lunch. We are selling our souls, our republic, and our liberty to a worldwide apparatus that feeds and grows on absolute corruption and utter ignorance. Indeed, we are empowering hideous monsters and despots with technologies they will use to bury us and our progeny. When Obama said fundamental change, he meant Iran would be calling out the azan over our graves.

If the U.S. wants to accelerate Commie plans for replacing the dollar with a different world reserve currency, all it needs to do is print money to pay off its debt.

It's all about managing public trust: Good faith and good will. In the Source of Trust we trust.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Chief Prosecutor

We are in a box. Everyone who gets out of line spends a night in the sweat box. Everyone vies to put someone else in the box. The people in the box pull the load, while the people who vie to put them there ride free. The longer they ride free, the higher they ride and the more divided and fatigued the load pullers become. We need ways to pull down the free riders and make them pull their own weight. We need ways to flip the wealth and power of evildoers that confangle, regulate, bureaucratize, and constantly change the rules and redesign the box to their advantage. To do that, we need to think outside the box.

The returns on investment for those hollow souldeads who buy politicians, contribute to their shady "charities," and shill with offshore bank accounts are too high and too easy. They have infested all political parties and were bound to have, and nearly have, murdered the republic. How can those returns be curved back to diminishment, to give ordinary people of good will and good faith a chance to sustain a free republic?

Well, slow down all offshore shenanigans by taxing all outbound money flows. Make it less remunerative to buy politicians by imposing a progressive retail tax on all political contributions. Stop allowing deductions for charitable "contributions." (Many churches have become as corrupted as all the other institutions. The good ones can do without the tax dodges.) In some cases of serious rule violations, yank licenses and impose mandatory fines and forefeitures.

Maybe the U.S. should establish and elect an independent Chief Prosecutor, whose sole functions would be to take care to recommend impeachments, to prosecute violations of the Constitution, and to seek fines and forfeitures on account of violations of the national trust. Require that all such Prosecutor's business properties and accounts be placed in a blind trust, and require that he/she seek no remuneration while in office other than as provided for the office.

The people do not often get a common view of the evils of the rulers. Even less often is a clear view joined with a real opportunity to set matters right. Now, as never before in the last 100 years, a lot of people are waking to the evils that are all around. Now, as not since 1860, these people sense a time and a need for fundamental change that does not seek to destroy the republic, but to give it new life.