Friday, June 25, 2010


What is Obama's purpose in Afghanistan? What is he advancing? He has no purpose to advance America's interests. How can good American troops hope to achieve anything honorable under this CINC? Obama does not believe in a representative republic. He believes in feeding illegal throngs of new voters with massive disinformation under state controlled media. Afghanis are not stupid. What is their regime learning from Obama's? What are our troops being used to spread and prop up? Does it not appear that our Marxist Muslim in Chief is merely helping Afghanis to make a better mix of communism with Islam? What does Israel or Western Civilization get out of this deal? Well, we get our economy broken and our good Americans depleted. This is a deal made for the devil. There is very little we can do until we sweep the ProgCommies out of D.C. Everything else is a holding action. In his bones, McChrystal probably knew that.


Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Dave T said, "There is no difference between Marxism and Islam excepting Allah is the state instead of some unseen deity. This is why the left loves Muslims, they relish the control and submission."
Dave T is closer to the truth. We are not going to defeat Progressive Communism or Religious Fascism with reason. Their adherents are inspired by long immersion in cultures built on emotion, grievance, greed, co-dependence, gangsterism, and fear. Would you reason with a wise guy from the Mafia? There's no reason in Islam. What should be done is this: DO NOT feed the bears.

Anonymous said...

In the matter of Israel, reason serves mainly as a masquerade flag, for navigating waters of international decorum. Apart from tactics of masquerade, Israel's continuation will be decided by effect of will over time. Those on the side of Israel are committed to decent respect for human freedom and dignity. Those on the other side are committed, regardless of decency, to bending humanity to be subservient to mind robbers pretending to be stand-ins for God or Gaia. The outcome will depend on whose will is smarter, more inspiring, and more durable. IMHO.

Anonymous said...

What is the warning, when a symbol is raised in a way that is obviously meant to propagate and insinuate hate and intolerance, and it is allowed to stand? For that matter, what is the good that has been added by Islam, Marxism, or forced collectivism of any kind (including Christianity, when it was forced)? What was missing from voluntary Judaism or Christianity that has been added by Islam? What is the necessity of Islam? Is it not obvious that there is no value added? Did Islam arise to fill a void at a time while Christianity was still forced? What is the purpose of Islam, Marxism ... or any kind of forced collectivism?

Is the purpose to fill a vacuum for those who otherwise cannot, without force, sense or intuit God or higher purposefulness? So, among those who are prisoners of the collectivist spy network that constitutes any collectivist society, how many actually believe? How many, once they have long endured forced collectivism, long to leave, as much as North Koreans long to leave "Dear Leader?" How many are precluded from leaving -- by gates, spies, fatwa’s, witch hunts, or threats against relatives? Is fascist collectivism some sort of karmic crucible for deficiencies in will or in appreciation of the Source, that is somehow needed to steel souls? If so, does it not become one's duty to learn to resist collectivism in one's very bones, to learn to honor a higher Source while resisting man-contrived, collectivist-enforced abominations?

It's amazing what a proper sequence and deployment of a variety of "chemical agents" can accomplish. Communists can infiltrate us at will, under color of freedom of speech. Upon reaching a tipping point, we lose control over our borders and immigration. Even then, the glue of American family values remains tough to dissolve. So, family and religious ties must be attacked. So, how better to attack religious ties than to use our own tax money to undercut such ties in schools by using Islam to foil any resistance? By itself, Marxism could not dissolve America's faith in God. But, what if Marxism is combined with Islam?

As each new mosque is built, will those who provide the funding ever allow it to be cut back? Are not mosques the perfect way for collectivists to divide traditional communities and to dissolve ties and faiths that bind them? Commies know Americans will never have the stomach to do what it takes to scale back the Muslim invasion. Commies also know, once Muslims have neutered Christians, that Marxists will have no such hesitation to do whatever is necessary to accomplish their ends. The coming mix could get violent. Who knows -- perhaps the meek really will inherit the earth. Meantime, I would prefer that our leaders actually show some American vision and spine. Presumably, God wants more of company than moo cows.