Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gangster Government vs. Middle Class

Gangster Government vs. Middle Class:

Any ordinary individual who thought he was too big to fail and that he could adopt a betting strategy for every situation based on “double or nothing” would be at moral peril. Those who took his bets would quickly learn when he had reached beyond his capacity to cover. At that point, they would own him (much as MSM is owned), and there would be no more individual liberty to bet. At that point, each owned citizen (serf, anchorman, professor, senator) would receive only in proportion to how well he begged to please his masters.

Something similar would apply to nations. Not, however, to nations that had already sold their loyalties and currencies to an Entity of private managers of fiat money. Such an Entity CAN adopt a double or nothing strategy. After all, its managers are betting with your money, based on power they have acquired to double your debts, as they please. Heads they win, tails you lose. A citizenry needs to be “educated” to have become too smart by half in order to deem such a system intelligent or “free.”

Any regulations The Regime passes will strengthen, not rein in, the Entity.

While usefully ignorant socialists were priming us for some variant of national socialism, Soros saw his opportunity by hedging with an extra-national corporatist operation. A President who would serve such a master needs really, really to hate America.


It's not just Gangster Government. It's extra-national government under Attila the Hut. Jabba the Hut, a work of fiction, was not at liberty to openly cross borders. But Attila the Hun, a work of reality, pillaged where he wanted, and he was actually at times made a general, even for those he pillaged. Soros the Corporatist, et al, goes where he wants and simply buys generals and politicians. Ahmadinijad the Whackjob goes where he wants to insult and laugh at us. Hussein the Hut does what he’s told in order to serve his Corporatist masters. Their agenda is to target, freeze, and reduce Whitey in America, level the middle and lower classes to serfs, control indoctrination worldwide, and to reward all serfs only insofar as they are useful to whichever syndicate of Corporatists conquers all others. This is not a national socialistic agenda, but an extra-national Mussolini corporatist agenda. However, the economic result for peasants will be the same. The political difference is that nations are becoming a fiction for serving an utterly ruthless, extra-national, corporatist syndicate. This is not a planned conspiracy. It's an evil quickening of professional courtesy among sharks. We have no hope to contain it unless we at least recognize it before it has contained us.

In a perverse way, I do feel "represented" -- as a member of the target class. That is, as a member of the middle class that is being targeted for extinction. This is being done by Corporatist Ainos giving votes to moral zombies (Dinos) and then buying their votes for mere promises of ... well, whatever it is that zombies can be led to think they want. Then again, that is not so different from the way America's original patriots were "represented" -- as bait for mercantilism, to make those who ruled their motherland wealthier. The middle class is being colonized for a kind of mercantilism. Maybe Chrissie could understand that the producing class refuses to be satisfied with second rate representation. Well, he could, if he wasn't owned.


Anonymous said...

I don’t think Obama was born in Kenya. But suppose he were. I have been watching what passes for MSM reportage enough to apprehend that, if that were all I relied on for “news,” I would be an uninformed, blithering idiot – like a lot of the folks I work with (though they are superficially nice enough). So if Obama were born outside the U.S., given the corporate interests to which he is beholden, and given their control over MSM, if Obama and those who run him did not want ordinary TV watchers to know where he was born, I am quite confident they would not be told. Obama gives every indication of being an un-American, prevaricating, amoral, racist, bullying, Mussolini-fascist phony. But who on the MSM that is owned by his corporate sponsors would ever tell? After all, they themselves give every indication of being un-American, prevaricating, amoral, racist, bullying, Mussolini-fascist phonies, bent on destroying America as an assimilated nation and substituting rule by an international syndicate of corporatist versions of Attila the Hut.

Well, the power behind the advocacy of equality does not want equality; it wants to sucker confidence while it fishes for back wallets. Targets of this sucker job should ask: If the “moral code” of human secularists offers hope enough to sustain decent society, then why is it that there is corruption in the land, rampant beyond anything we have ever seen? Why are drug truckloads of hundred dollar bills going across our southern border every month, made from sell outs to Aino liberal dopers? Why are Aino politicians strangling our energy independence, in exchange for under the table sell outs to corrupt money from the oil cartel? Why are totalitarian thugs worldwide coalescing into syndicates for converting everyone else into farms of human cattle? And why are the traitors running this operation in power, instead of in prison? It is mind boggling that Leftists so easily bite the hook for this sucker job, when it is so obviously baited with hideous evil.

Anonymous said...

Aino Obamaknots and Globalists may all go to hell. American Conservatives mean with all due diligence to defend the American domain of freedom and dignity against all encroachments, foreign and domestic. But first we will have to root out the treachery of Rino mind serpents and Dino malingerers, for they cannot be trusted, rehabilitated, or educated. This will require a time of ordeal. Once the electorate is fortified, we can recover our economy.
But until we restore a decent electorate, there will be no decent solution. Once given a decent electorate, there will be solutions, based simply on releasing American style industriousness. Such solutions may entail the following: (1) Eliminate the Federal Reserve as a device for elites to channel bonuses to themselves to be paid for by the rest of us for their undertaking to rule the rest of us; (e) eliminate the corporate income tax as a device for appearing to relieve consumers of taxes while actually increasing and passing on such taxes to consumers in the form of higher costs and consumption taxes; (3) add modest, value added, local consumption taxes, so local governments can modestly incentive or disincentive various kinds of production, while raising revenue more efficiently, and while causing all consumers to account for a stake in the government; (4) increase social security taxes, to cause them to be levied on all individuals’ incomes, even beyond the first $80,000 of each person’s income per year; (5) drill baby, drill.
Unfortunately, however, until the electorate is restored to common sense fortified by a time of ordeal, many such solutions would mainly compound opportunities for fraud and abuse by all the Ainos of the two parties that presently dominate our politics. For the near future, fixing what ails us will be beyond math and logic, into the realm of the meta and the inspirational. We need to get back to near sacred fundamentals -- like the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

P.C. dictates a euphemism for sedition: Progressivism. Everything America's conservors and defenders consider insidious or seditious, the left considers "progressive." Indeed, having an Attorney General who recommended pardons for terrorists is "progressive." A general, Saddam style pardon for prisoners would, no doubt, be "progressive." As would selling the NYT to Pravda. Why not? So long as the sale were wormed in increments, what leftist would ever complain?

Anonymous said...

From Drudge: "MOSCOW, June 11 (Reuters) - Russia's parliament on Friday voted to boost the powers of the successor to the Soviet KGB, allowing it to summon people it believes are about to commit a crime and threaten jail for those who disobey its orders."

A representative republic necessarily treasures a free press and free exchange of ideas. An elitist oligarchy necessarily represses the press, eventually to the point of policing thought. As we move to rule by elites, there will be "correct ideas" (P.C.), and since they will be "correct," dissent will be put down, by shouts or bullets, depending on the need. To the extent an oligarchy preserves its power by criminal repression, it can in no event afford to allow itself to be criminally investigated. There must not be rule of law, but rule under arbitrary whims of gangster men. Take note of the many insidious, seditious, and likely criminal acts of the present regime. Ask: What will and must it do to avoid wholesale prosecution? If Capone had run America, would he worry about a few irregularities? Take note also of Capone's fequent, weird smile. Don't confuse Capone's protection of his territory with respect for the rule of law.

From A.T. -- Re: "What Axelrod, Jarret, et al., fail to comprehend is that this ultimate narcissist will throw them under the bus too, if needed."

When you're expected to have all the answers, you have no choice but to pin absolute blame on someone else, each time something goes wrong. [] The boss of an elitist regime cannot allow himself to be portrayed to be incompetent by his henchmen. That may be the ultimate, fatal oversight among the Prog Obamanauts: They sprung Obama on Americans before they got the kind of fear inspired control over America that they needed.

From A.T. -- RJM, Re: "why is Blago on trial at all"

Well, we don't know what kind of threats or deals Blago was making to the WH, expecting a job in the regime. The WH may have "mis-calibrated" the looney extent of Blago's propensity for betting the moon. Curiouser and curiouser ...

Anonymous said...

From A.T. - physicsNut said, "they are after power even if it loses money."

Indeed. They want the ultimate aphrodisiac. Too bad a chemist has not contrived a pill that could substitute for that effect. I'd be glad to pay a tax to provide such a pill for these people, in perpetutity, so long as they stayed the hell confined to Delphi. Otherwise, as they acquire more and more power, they will know they can convert it into money to whatever the extent desired.

Obviously, Prog lice are working feverishly, fervently, and furiously. They are showing no inclination whatsoever to give up their nefarious ends. They will have to be deloused -- voter by voter, door by door, house to house.

You know, everything, and I mean everything, the adolescent left does is out of some notion they are entitled to do whatever it takes not only to even the playing field between collectivist criminals and established producers, but to do whatever it takes to prevail.

As a freshman in college, reading Herbert Marcuse, supposed genius guru for the left, I put him down in disgust for this kind of attitude. This notion that only responsible people must obey rules because they have the power is asinine! BTW, the left should now itself be hoisted on that petard: If all is permissible in order to balance against the power of the Establishment, well then, who's the Establishment now? Marcuse -- may his ideas rot in peace.

Should Israelis, border patrol officers, police officers, and tea partiers protect themselves from sling shot thugs? You betcha.

Anonymous said...

Once Islamists sees the West run from defending its ally, they (and other collectivist financiers, i.e., communists) will calculate that there is much more that we will run from defending. Once we retreat this dastardly, throwing an ally of Western freedom under the bus, how do we ever again muster an orderly stand? Or even an orderly retreat? If we stand for nothing but what is convenient, how do we stand much longer, at all? Obama is a collectivist abettor, and he wants to facilitate our running. This un-American, traitor-communist liar needs to be impeached at the first opportune moment.