Saturday, June 26, 2010

Whore Media

Whore Media:

From A.T. -- What a succinct explanation of Olasky’s concepts of disguised subjectivity and strategic ritual! Such concepts are essential because subjectivity and objectivity are so inherently interwoven, to present a wide assortment of contexts. To the extent a publication is profit centered, its point of view will slant to make its readers and advertisers want more. To the extent a publication is ideologically centered, its point of view will slant to make its owners and standard bearers want more. To translate news in clearer context, it helps to appreciate each publication's readers, owners, and political causes. To discern that, it helps to read from a diverse variety of sources.

For decent conveyance of news, there is an ongoing war.  That war is between a libertine philosophy and a decent conservative philosophy.

The libertine philosophy promotes mindless entitlementarianism and hedonism, while rationalizing repression of individual, responsible thought under collectivist secular (communist) or sectarian (Islamic) regimes, which demand abject subservience to elite, self-justifying stand-ins for State or God.  The conservative philosophy honors individual expression under traditions that assimilate sustainable respect for human dignity under a conceptualization of transcendently existent values (aka God).

To hope to translate news in any way that is fair, balanced, or principled to decent civilizing purposes, it helps to respect a philosophy for what is needed in order to comprise a decent civilization.


Anonymous said...

Re: "What makes "anarchists" left-wing?"

Well, anarchists are stable in the same sense that nitroglycerin is stable. Anarchists feign to be proponents of small (as in zero) government. However, they know that neither absolute zero nor nitroglycerin will be sustained in a stable state within a society. When anarchists go ka-boom, they know it is prelude to the strong man. And that brings in totalitarian like big government. The more the collectivist governmental regulation, the further left you are. So anarchists may, in form, be rightists, but in immediate potential, they are explosive leftists. When anarchists claim to want to abolish social values, in reality they want to topple the economic structure and replace it with a far left collectivist system. In wanting to burn down and replace the system with elitist dictate, they may as well be social arsonists. IMO.
Likewise, fundamentalists who want detailed laws to intrusively legislate morality, insofar as they also want big government, are closer to the left than to the right. Conservatives tend to want respect for family values, but they prefer that such respect be assimilated in social mores. And they prefer that government revenues not be applied to discourage or transmogrify into hate speech the reasonable assimilation of family values. Problem is, modern society flaunts disdain for essential family values to such an extent that preserving decency has become both urgent as well as nearly impossible -- either with laws or with mores. We are in a mess.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: "When the editing is lockstep and biased, then we should see that the giants of the news media are not really free at all. These big corporations are simply organs of the Democratic Party, big monopolistic groups whose machinations against our interests never trouble Democrats at all."
I'm reading "Witness," by Whittaker Chambers. He seems to have felt that the greater number of communists was called not for crass reasons, but for idealistic reasons. That may or may not at one time have been true. Regardless, times have changed. More and more, it seems evident that money making enterprises and entrepreneurs are quick to sense and fill opportunity niches. Something about this information age empowers competitors and conspirators to sense signs of universal opportunities and to carve out new and more cynical niches, faster and faster. Money making, like water drinking, can become poison when too much indulged ... round and round the prickly pear.
See, regarding Yeat's "The Second Coming": "The "spiritus mundi" (Latin "spirit of the world") is a reference to Yeats' belief that each human mind is linked to a single vast intelligence, and that this intelligence causes certain universal symbols to appear in individual minds. Carl Jung's book The Psychology of the Unconscious, published in 1912, could have had an influence, with its idea of the collective unconscious."
Every day, it becomes more and more apparent that a tipping point is fast approaching. Fearsome forces are aligning against the great middle class of industrious good will, which must either reclaim its "promised land," or all will be lost to the crassness and greed of false elites for a millennium.