Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Has America already been overthrown?

Re: Is America conquered? Is it lights out?

Suppose you and your corporatist homies effectively owned or ran several countries. Given the accelerating chasm that divides the power of corporatists versus the masses, and given that money talks and b.s. walks, would not your membership among the power elite drug you beyond moral reason? Would you not come to see serfs beneath you as ants? Have not long eras of slavery shown us how easily power corrupts most of mankind?

Having acquired taste for power, could you resist it, to give it up? Could you trust that others would give it up? How few have been the moments that history has produced a Washington? How does a non-Washington enjoy, exercise, and perpetuate power? Well, a non-Washington would use national media in each country to excite terror and loathing between residents of each. That way, little would limit his capacity for enlisting residents in all manner of wild, desperate, deranged, and abject servitude.

Think about it: When has terror from afar really been an effective strategy for a foreign cult or power to suddenly overtake a more industrialized country? When has terror been a successful strategy for such a purpose? If not often, then for whom and for what diversionary purposes is terror as a tool really employed? Does it not seem that terror is less employed to defeat nations than to gradually and relentlessly undermine the assimilation of peoples of nations? Until masses are intimidated into fearful and doped up multi culti, is that not what the “strongman” waits for, before he arrives with his corporatist cohort of thought police, to reduce and reorganize entire populations to abject subjugation and submission under his “religion or philosophy of communal peace or planetary salvation?”

What Napoleon has made more grandiose gestures than Obama? What Napoleon has watched idly as apocalyptic minded countries acquired weapons of hideous power? What use does Obama foresee in such gathering crisis? Can Obama and his cohort really be trusted to preserve America as a republic that is based on checks and balances of power? Are other despotic nations really aligned, as nations, against America, or does a more sinister organization of corporatists lie beneath, that is orchestrating a denouement of human freedom and dignity for all masses?

How can Americans join, to assert and reassert themselves as a republic, to opt out of terror strategies, without reducing the power of all external and opposing corporatists of no national loyalties to project their hoodoo? Well, no single nation can opt out, without being willing to incur the stirred-up animosity of those corporatist despots and their power-mad cohorts that run many other countries.

America’s mistake was to give a damn about what was thought of her by nations run by despots and quislings. Against prevailing odds, what sort of people can remain vigilant in willpower sufficient to preserve borders and freedom? Are we facing America’s finest moment, or our moment for the masses of America to whimper? Is it lights out for freedom of thought?

Bottom line: Do powers that be really want to defend American borders, stop dope inroads, and eliminate terror, or are we being played?


Anonymous said...

The Mosque at Ground Zero:
Bloomberg ignorantly fails to see that this is the laying of palm leaves in portent of an onslaught of unremitting ignorance; indeed, it is the grand gesture of those who prophesy in thrall of destruction. Blooming idiocy!
Every addict who expects to take a holiday from responsibility always wakes up in s stupor, likely in a ditch. There is no entitled lunch, and there is no freedom from responsibility. It's only Code Pink and our sissified colleges that teach us to think pretty and otherwise. Those who are selling us free lunches and freedom from responsibility keep books by which they expect to extract far more in payment than just a few bucks.
I suspect there are some rich, sick, twisted people who enjoy contemplating how to undermine America and how to make boatloads of money in the process. Much of this is surely sedition or treason. I suspect we have: senators going abroad to undermine national policy; foreign interests laundering under the table contributions to politicians and lobbyists; judges placing as much or more emphasis on international law as on American law; home corporations becoming owned or predominately controlled by extra-national interests; and moral sellouts vamping to sell themselves to highest bidders.
If reasonably tight and enforceable definitions could be fashioned for sedition and treason, it would seem worthwhile to consider a sort of Rico law, that would confiscate much of the wealth of persons, perhaps like Soros, who blatantly seek to reduce and endanger America.
Most of our politicians only pretend to serve "one man one vote." In reality, they seditiously serve that which buys or deceives votes. Many of our statesmen only pretend to be loyal to the state. In reality, they are treasonously loyal to those who manipulate currency for the state.
It is one thing to foster free enterprise. It is another thing to put America's system of free enterprise as a whole under the thumbs of conniving evil-doers. Without some Rico-like mechanism, how can we possibly check or balance against those disloyal, amoral, extra-national corporatists whose inclinations are naturally bent on fixing the system in order to erase national borders and reduce masses to worldwide serfdom?

Anonymous said...

How many sanctuaries must Muslims be permitted to build over temple mounts? Giuliani had sense enough to tear up the Arab check. For enough money, would Bloomberg commission Muslims to paint Mohammed’s Buraq over American Gothic?
Progressives have opened America’s boundaries wide to the Four Horsemen, and they are in business: Hedonic-nauts (pestilence and drugs), Islamic-nauts (subterfuge and war), Obamic-nauts (mind famine), and Banking-nauts (death of nations).

Anonymous said...

Often, the other side of the coin of being anti conspiracy theory is to be a useful idiot. Conspiracy buffs rationalize the most other folks are useful idiots; useful idiots rationalize that most other folks are conspiracy buffs.
About Islam, the Left is lost in its own cognitive dissonance, desperately needing to rationalize how none of its sainted mouthpieces could possibly be an agent or dupe of religiously organized evil. The Left has found an easy way to smooth over unpleasant thoughts about evil, simply by accepting a mental construct that evil, while it may exist in particular aspects, is not amenable of infiltrating or being organized into any kind of community action (power to the people!) institution.
To believe that evil could have capacity for leftist institutionalism would render one susceptible to conspiracy theory, which all Leftists know applies not to communism, communalism, collectivism, Islam, or zombieism, but only to non-liberal or Christian doings. "Leftist logic" is perhaps the greatest oxymoron of modern times. Leftists frequently hear the term "useful idiot," yet, oddly, no leftist useful idiot will ever accept that he is only useful as an idiot.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: "I'm not certain what it will take to preserve the United States, but we had better come up with something effective -- and soon."
It's not Mexico that has us under siege. If it were only Mexico, the problem would be resolved pronto. The problem consists in obscenely wealthy and corrupt investors in international politics who find it both feasible and immensely profitable to bring America down. We don't have to let them do this. But we are. What we should be doing, foremost, is defending life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. We should be defending that American ethos against the world, on all fronts -- including the banking front.

Anonymous said...

Re: blind to a cause --
Like a wandering husband with a preplanned plea for redemption, our national rock group, Barry and the Progs, surely has a fall back story preloaded on totus, with which they will “educate” their most depraved of fans at the appropriate time. Some bands can play every tune, but Barry and the Progs can play every crisis. Of course, no sane wife would let a profligate husband who binges on irresponsibility back into her house. But that part of America that consists of Obama’s base will!
Obama’s base consists of Mafiosi, union thugs, rabble organizers, racists, naifs, dopers, and assorted dregs on society. That base will stand by Obama even after it learns in the clear light of day how the Progs have trod all over America’s ideals of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. They will forgive all, even as Obama lies through his teeth to explain how much he regrets not having sufficiently expressed his high regard for America’s defining values.
If America’s real patriots let Obama once more get away with his bad boy smile, we will have spurned Lincoln and broken faith with all who gave their last full measure of devotion to America.

Anonymous said...

We keep crossing tipping points, heedlessly and recklessly. Voting for Obama merely out of hope to assuage broad shots of historical guilt was reckless. Experimenting with state sponsored gay marriage, a concept alien to history, is reckless. Paying the way for our children to go to colleges of leftist indoctrination is reckless. Surrendering almost all individual responsibility and control to the state in exchange for vague assurances about improving the general welfare is reckless. Failing to challenge pretenses of scientism in all realms of moral and aesthetic human endeavors is reckless.
Question: Why do media now so brazenly seek to indoctrinate us, rather than to inform us? Answer: Because only recently have we become so ill informed about history and so naively trusting in assurances of those snakes who seek to control us.
Before we passed that tipping point, media, regardless of its ownership, would not have dared. The nature of snakes is to thin mischiefs of naïve, ill informed, trusting mice. It’s going to be ugly for awhile, until some tipping points reset. Meantime, snakes will abound – especially in media.