Saturday, June 26, 2010

Hedge Fund Cons

Hedge Fund Cons:

Are we in the era of hedge fund bubbles? Is this the sure path to hedge fund profits: Invest in every side of a situation, roil it with division and uncertainty, and have politicians on the payroll ready to take a dive in whatever audacious direction the most profits are to be made. Right now, how many trillions are to be made by keeping America roiled and ready to tip? Hedge fund connivers may be good with the smiles and the pretense, but are they really looking out for "hope and change" for the little guys? Maybe roundtable guys who got burned by Obama just aren't ready for the level of corruption that is regnant in the regime.


Anonymous said...

I don't think law should try in detail to legislate morality concerning essentially private relations. But neither do I think law should allow Libertines to chase it away from facilitating respect for assimilating family based and traditional values within secular and educational settings. I don't think law should make it politically incorrect hate speech to question whether gay families may tend to be detrimental to raising well adjusted children within a sustainable population. I agree this will be hard to reconcile. Our diverse society has simply become too divided. I also think Conservatives need to try to show Libs some light, i.e., that society needs to respect some lines of decency and innocence. If there were more modesty in society and less pandering to money to be made in shock value, there would be less need for legalistic intrusiveness. Well, this bleeds over into the "tragedy of the commons": "If I don't make and take the easy money, someone else will." When we ridicule all our moral stalwarts and institutions into hiding, then, when it comes to defending innocents, what match will most folks be against corporate cynics, atheists, anarchists, and death dealers -- especially as corporatist pimps come to own our schools, media, and politicians? When it comes to sustaining decency and modesty, the libertine marketplace is essentially blind.

Anonymous said...

Is this an invitation to facilitate a quickening of elites, in order to coordinate foundations as fronts for a syndicate, so that those who know best can save humanity by weaning us from borders and national divisiveness, in order to direct us as they know best? If they really want to help civilized humanity, why not fund a revitalization of family friendly conservative values and individual liberty?

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- Re: "The US administration has protected the banks who are bankrolling politicians. It does nothing to stop the next financial crisis."

This makes about as much sense as asking drug pushers to write bills to protect society from the drug dealers who are financing the pushers. We're trusting Barney Frank to head up a bill meant to do any good for responsible society? Are you kidding me? Progs don't have a mental disorder. To have a mental disorder, you have to have a mind. Progs have no minds. Nothing but further ruin can come of legislation and contrivances by people whose only values are driven by their glands. The people who have insinuated themselves to run our institutions will not see the light. The best we can do is to shut them down or quarantine them until we can replace them. As far as America having been corrupted, the Progs running things are right. Indeed, they ought to know, since they are the corruption. The Idea of America is beautiful, but the matter of America has become a blight. Thanks, Progs.