Saturday, June 5, 2010

Open Borders

Supporting open borders is ensuring the replacement of representative governance by the rule of elite dhimmis serving despicable despots. Ahhh, peace for everyone. (sarc)

Regarding Cloward-Piven: What is served by opening our borders to appease howls for fairness? Answer: The destruction of representative governance — to make way for new rule, worldwide, by despots and their hired elites and dhimmis.

That is what is at stake in the political contest now underway between Progs (Dinos and Rinos) and Conservatives (Libertarians also want to preserve representative governance, but they can be confused about what is needed to accomplish that.)

Every time a Prog advocates for “change you can believe in,” you need to be like Cicero and ask: Cui bono (who benefits)? Or, like Deep Throat, follow the money.

Why do most Progs tend to favor opening America’s borders? Why do they want a flood of illiterate, highly dependent, easily bribed and duped new potential voters to jump our borders? Is it because Progs want to respect the wishes of new voters? Are you kidding me!

Progs want masses of new and easily controlled voters because those who pay Progs want control. Prog Puppeteers are very confident such voters can be controlled, in perpetuity. And why not? It’s so easy to bribe them! All you need do is to print money with one hand and pull it back from wallets with the other. Why, even a Yal-ard caveman could do it!

That, Dear Conservatives, is how Progs and ignorant abettors and starry eyed youth mean to pull wool over eyes of each new crop of voters. Does anyone think the wishes of new voters will be serviced? Are you kidding me!

Think. What is entailed? Once easily duped illiterates are enfranchised, there will never again be a majority of voters who will be able to demand that interests of the Republic, as a Republic, be represented. Your wishes, and your votes, will weigh as much as the wishes of your pet dog. If you’re lucky. You’d be better off spending the rest of your life on the Enterprise holodeck.


Anonymous said...

We are at a point where government is as ubiquitous as air. Hardly anything can be done without a permit, by hook or by crook. Each regime that wants to prevail learns quickly who best to bribe and enfranchise. Fighting crime with crime is rationalized when everyone is seen to be engaged in crime and each department of government becomes just another Las Vegas casino. This is what comes of replacing principles, trust, and the melting pot with hyphenated divide and rule and gimme mine. Having ravaged the soul of America, the land becomes secondary. So how do we rekindle principled faith and trust and find our way home again?

Ask 1000 random adults: Do you agree that the essential definition of an American is one who highly honors life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness -- regardless of race or creed?
Of those who agree, ask who they believe best expresses and honors those values -- Palin or Obama?
Then ask: Do you want to emphasize and enhance unalienable, god-given values of life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness, or do you want to emphasize saving the planet from false crises in order to build some elitists' notions of a more perfect empire of dirt?
Bottom line: Support the gritty American; denounce the phony egghead.

Anonymous said...

Surely, there is federal law that prohibits illegal border crossing and that provides for ways to arrest it. So, how is the Arizona law so different? How can Feds call Arizonans racists without calling themselves racists? If you want to get A plus on your liberal studies college exams, the line you should always write at the bottom comes down to this: "If you advocate that America is a land that is defined by its own laws, then you are a racist against the rest of the world." No other evidence or argument is required.

Anonymous said...

The choice being forced by Gangster Government does not pertain that much to whether you want to be a Democrat or a Republican. Those labels will change as the gangsters deem necessary. The choice being forced pertains to whether you want to be a slave. That is, whether you want the middle and lower classes to be leveled to serfs.
The evildoers running things and leveling decent Americans are neither Democrats nor Republicans. They are comfortable being cloaked under either skin. They act bi-politically, but they are actually as a-political (ideologically indifferent) as they are amoral (unprincipled). For the lower class and the elites, it's about power -- who's to be a ruler and who's to be a slave. They need to know who's what and who's where in the duck line.
They don't understand that about 60% of American human beings, the middle class, doesn’t give that much of a damn about duck lines and regimentation. Unfortunately, the 60% that is the middle class doesn't understand that everyone else, the remaining 40%, does want to be clear about their places within the regime. The adolescent lower class wants to feel entitled to have someone else "care" for them (rule them), and the elites (faux-parents) feel entitled and "obliged" to provide that rule. They hate that the American middle class of free minded adult folk messes up their pretty duck lines and basically tells them to pound sand.
The American middle class may be unrepresented, but it is awakening and coalescing.