Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sacrifices of Progressives

When nature punished, Aztecs found human sacrifices --- not to throw under the bus, but to rip hearts out of and tumble down stairs. During the Bush admin and Katrina, “enlightened Progs” deployed a less violent version of this technique against Bush. Now that we have the “disaster of the hole,” Progs continue to find use even for the memory of Bush. However, that “medicine” is not working. So, when will Progs’ enlightened religion demand of them that they make a more tangible sacrifice, i.e., the current presidency? When will those who practice Prog enlightenment become the sacrifices of Prog enlightenment?


Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- UA said, "When a small fraction of one percent of the population denigrates the rest of us for not following their lead, it begs the question...Who's out of step?"
You raise an interesting point! Once one's self esteem has been bloated by hearing how smart one must be to have been selected (as by affirmative action or legacy?) to attend Yal-ard, it can never behoove one to agree very much with the little people. Raised to an absurd conclusion, we come to be ruled by the overweening need among weenie narcissists to authenticate their worthiness. One who becomes practiced in justifying intellectual self deceit and dishonesty comes easily and soon enough to justify lying, cheating, stealing, and plagiarizing.
Competence? Surely, you jest! How could any smart, sane, competent person even begin to think the "soft sciences" are based primarily in science or in "better reasoning" of our elites? It comes down to this: One either competently stands for a source of principles, or one flatters oneself with elitist doublespeak.

Anonymous said...

What is it that motivates those who recruit and finance the propaganda kamikazes? What’s their payoff? I know the payoff for those who are their tools is 72 raisins in heaven. I mean, what fool could resist that?
But what is the payoff for the financiers? I know they expect profit and remuneration. But to what end? What fires them up? I wonder: Is it just too painful to their wounded and incomplete psyches to have to deal with those folks who respect a notion that is beyond them, i.e., a higher Presence that guides thoughtful, caring, and hard working purposefulness? Is that what makes the Israelis so intolerable?

Anonymous said...

Arab oil money is undermining us. No doubt, much of it is directly driving the corrupt politics of our so-called leaders. And still we continue to feed the demon that is bedeviling us. And still we continue to choke off America's ability to develop its own energy resources. Arabs are beating us with sticks while our own leaders are trying to suffocate us. This is what Obama meant by "changing America." Pure and simple: our Prez is the face of a syndicate that is treasonous to the heart of American values, right down to our very Constitution.
The reason most people don't see this is because the syndicate never allows itself to be completely unmasked, and always uses the media and banks it owns to rehabilitate and bribe its way back into the good graces of the naifs that are its base. The syndicate, like a magician copping our wallets, is pulling money out of our own bank accounts, to bribe us with our own money, even as American production continues to plummet. The syndicate is shamelessly using our gullibility to shake down our own children.

Anonymous said...

Corrupt Saudi money has corrupted American politics. America and much of the world is now run by corrupt, monied corporatists. Israel has brains and righteousness. Allayed against Israel is the accumulated power of nations, now run by corrupt corporatists. If and when the alliance of corporatist liars and pretenders takes out Israel, notice will be served that they can take out each and every principled interest. What is quickening before our eyes is a contest between those who heed an interactive Source of principled participation in meaningful choices versus those who heed a withdrawn Source of predetermined and meaningless depravity. In short, morality versus amorality, or Good versus Evil. Nietzsche was wrong. We have not gone beyond good and evil. We are deeply invested in the unfolding power of its contest: Mind versus mind surrender; liberty in responsibility versus security in submission; human being versus amoral zombie.
We desperately need means to confiscate the wealth and power of each and every significant power player who engages in such seditious and/or conspiratorial conduct.