Friday, June 11, 2010

Center Cannot Hold

Center Cannot Hold:

From A.T. -- Tomas, Re: "That is not what is happening today. It appears that some one, the political elite or the corporate elite, are trying hard to destroy the hand that feeds them. Their motivation eludes me. What is occurring in this country and world wide is not logical. Or am I just too ignorant to discern the reasoning?"

Well, being unable to discern the logic or reasoning is not ignorant when there is no logic or reason to be discerned. Yeah, the logic is "hard." That's because, though logic may help, much of what ails us is beyond logic. Even oligarchs and billionaires panic, scheme, and give vent to emotions. What ails us is that there is no center that is holding.

This is because we have become too transfixed by science, useful though it often is. We have lost sight that, indeed, there is something decent and beyond, and we have lost sight that our shared receptivity to that something is our only ground for hope for peaceful assimilation and meaningful (non-trivial) communication.

Our ruling oligarchs have replaced the only real center with a false center. They believe science, dialectical materialism, and survival of the fittest are now the only reigning Gods. That is the spiritual environment from which much of the world is now drinking. So long as that is the case, without other vision or intuition, there will not be found in mere deductive logic or material empiricism any way to slow our rush to madness -- billionaires included.


Anonymous said...

When I first saw fragments of the recent Pelosi tape, I thought, this is interesting. Conservatives are beginning to throw stuff at Pelosi. Then I watched again and learned it was her activist base that was throwing! Lose the pose! Now’s the time to strike! Etc. Those people are jerks with a twisted view of history. But they are far from stupid, tactically. They have their boots on the throats of power. And Pelosi more or less admits that she would move further and faster in their direction if she had enough power. So, commies have energy, funding, and they believe in something. Indeed, Beck made sense pointing out that the Pelosi people, who depend on commies and try to co-opt them, do not believe in much of anything, except their own power.

So why are Obama and Pelosi still smiling? Is Hillary being protected in the warm up pen? Are we supposed to think the commies don’t talk among themselves, plan, and coordinate strikes? I agree there will not be a coup that will turn Obama into Caesar. But I am less sure there will not be an attempt at a deeper, faster “General Prog Coup.” Forget Obama. Instead, consider a general, coordinated, Prog (commie) movement.

How hard would it be to engineer a series of financial crises, even while seeming to try to ward them off? How hard would it be to engineer a series of internet, satellite, EMP, nuclear, biological, or environmental crises? To advertise they have lists of all Conservatives, to intimidate Americans to sit in a corner and suck our collective thumbs? Who believes Commies have not dreamed and planned for decades for such a possibility?

Do Commie Progs, their pimps, and their financiers even need to run a coup above board, so long as they are unhindered by considerations of ethics and have motivations and means to bribe, intimidate, and prosecute enough politicians to control the direction of America … under the table, no overt coup needed?

Anonymous said...

Is it that hard to imagine that billionaire corporatist financiers of the Prog movement may well have means in place to fund and enforce “offers that cannot be refused” in order to redirect every needed Conservative candidate? Given the media financed crusade to “save the planet,” what means would Progs decline to use, if they thought the desired result would be achieved?

How much has the regime that is presently fronted by Obama already damaged America? Reporters used to laugh about Russian spies. Turns out, we really were deeply infiltrated and compromised. Given the regime’s agenda and the damage it has already done to America, is it really smart to discount the regime’s will or its power? Of what does the regime consist?

Consider the competence of the financial backers of Progs. Can they be as easily dismissed as the pols fronting them? Look at the regime’s friends, czars, and appointees. Look at the regime’s lack of affect for ordinary Americans, or for anyone but commies and despots, for that matter.

Given the number of psychopaths who have come to power in history, what is so hard to believe about a cohort of commies having come to power now, under the banner of “Progressives”? Look at how the calculating, neo-Constantine regime caters to Putin, China, Muslims, Chavez. … indeed, to every enemy of traditional America and the Constitution. Look at how anti-American forces have established tentacles throughout America and all its important institutions.

Forget Obama. He is only the temporary face of the Prog movement. Consider the movement: “Under the Progressive banner, conquer!” Relax about a coup? Kidding, right?

Anonymous said...

Regardless of appreciation for that which lies beneath that which we experience in the signs and logos of physics, many scientists would point out that there is not much you can do in empirical physics with such appreciation. And therein they miss the point.

Many believers, moralists, and ordinary civic minded Americans do not particularly want to measure, predict, control, or confine God. We mainly want to respect: that God abides; that we can be generally, intuitively, empathetically receptive to appreciate God; and that by sharing such appreciation we can each respect the aspect of God that is given logos through each of our perspectives.

In gathering in good faith to communicate in respect of that which we name as "God," we can leverage the innate respect that abides for that which we intuit, even before naming it. Both the Great Commandment and the Golden Rule are relatable to communicating decent respect for a higher Source of moral purpose. In their synthesis, they are antithetical to community imposed fascism of any kind -- secular or religious. Insofar as Marxism and Islam "justify" all means to come to their ends, they are less like religions than like pagan-based philosophies for justifying serfdom, servitude, and slavery. In short, Big Bro and Taliban Thought Police are antithetical to decent respect for the spiritual dignity of each perspective of consciousness.

Does “moral science" or "dialectical materialism" have a "better" way to divine that which we should do, as we go about making our life's choices? ("For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.")

Anonymous said...

What if angst to imagine that the human form is somehow special above all other potential forms and perspectives of consciousness sometimes leads us to rationalizations that extend beyond what is needed? What if consciousness is two sided, carrying aspects both in holism and in particularity? What if every perspective of consciousness is appropriately appreciated and subsumed in the purposes of the holism? What if separateness of identity is illusion, and each of us, at whatever the level of beingness, is but a contextual and temporal perspective of the one undying essence: consciousness.

What if the design behind evolution is to lead us to that realization? How may that affect our sense of moral empathy, responsibility, and civilized respect -- each for the freedom and dignity of the supposed other?

Anonymous said...

The problem with government programs (charities financed with other people’s money) run by people like Obama is this: The bureaucrats dispersing the bennies are induced more by needs to appease do-goodiness (with OPM) for constituencies and cronies, which always overbalances budgetary discipline.

For Progs (like Code Pink and Helen Thomas) in pursuit of existential guarantees of fairness, it’s nothing to open wide all borders and government-run welfare. Progs see government as a Gaia-tree for growing money, not as something that needs to respect budgets in order to be sustainable. Progs want the Gaia tree to relieve humanity of all responsibility for decision making. The apex of Prog evolution is meant to be the AI robot, to tend to Gaia. At that point, Progs believe there will be no further need for humanity.

The Prog Religion is a very strange cult – one that has infested nations worldwide. Simply put, dhimmi-like submission to Prog governance is spiritual and mind suicide.

Anonymous said...

From A.T. -- jamesbclaypool, I somewhat agree. But I would connect back to the very insightful article of the author (kudos, btw!!!). You don't get a covenant among the people until they are moved to share an idea. And as to the Source of that idea, I agree with the author.

It's not that I think those who live in the USA have extra special genetic or spiritual blood (though there were hard differences that defined the sort of people who came to found the American Idea). It's that God seeks not puppets or peers, but companions. God is God, and we are not, but we do have a relationship: eternal holism to mortal perspectives. As perspectives of consciousness, we are accorded a kind of free will.

In that, there may be a teleology at work. In time, as we come to respect God and each of our perspectives as being the work-in-progress of God, we will move towards a more understanding and fulfilling relationship. Each of 0ur identities exists only in relational aspect: in respect of both a temporal (illusory?) aspect and a holistic aspect.

The "American Idea" promotes respect for a representative republic in which the free will of each perspective can be accorded dignity within an assimilating system of foundational, family-friendly values. That is the idea I believe is behind the teleology. The essence of that may be the idea of God's, aside from the precise happenstance of man-made laws at any particular point in the context of space-time. The essence of that "American Idea" may eventually germinate to other nations of the world, but only as their situations evolve to be receptive.

Meantime, to me, it borders sacrilege to undermine the character of America as a representative republic. In that, I have no power to damn the Ivies and the elitist oligarchs, but I can, and do, "darn" them.

Anonymous said...

In presuming to be better moral teachers than parents, "progressive" workers in government and welfare have wrecked families. Progressives ridicule conservative parents' notions of morality. Indeed, ProgSpeak would have it that immoral means moral. Having despicably wrecked many families, government can go in two directions: (1) It can try to "progress" further, to make families irrelevant; or (2) it can recognize its error and try to reset things aright.

The anti-family program of Libs (Liberals, Libertarians, and Libertines) is obviously geared to choice number 1. The trends advocated by "Progressives" will accomplish nothing less than the destruction of family based society. Somehow, Libs imagine this will usher us to a more moral, greener, Gaia friendly, earthly commune -- with no basis whatsoever in history or science. But then, Yal-ards are so much smarter than us (they tell us so!), they don't need history or science. If only Conservatives were as "smart" as typical fresh Ivy bait, they would instinctively be overawed and recognize the innate wisdom and moral courage of the Lib Ivy professoriate. (sarc)