Saturday, June 5, 2010

Progress in Immateriality

Progress in Immateriality

From A.T. -- Redhawk said, "We cannot look to those in the Federal government to downsize the Federal bureaucracy because it is not in their interest to do so. Our only hope lies with the states. It will be the states that will have to force, if they can, the Federal government to give up much of its power. This is why what is happening in Arizona is so important. Arizona has lit the fire for other states to follow. This is the only thing that the left really fears, which can be judged by how hysterically they are reacting to what Arizona has done."

Indeed! We have to hit the statists where they're not ready. Take away the statist-fascists' central rudder to neuter their N.W.O. ship so it goes around in helpless circles; then housebreak it at discretion. That's the best alternative to:

Human consciousness is such that it is continuously beset by cognitive dissonance of opposing aspects, which leads us to search to reconcile new truths with old metaphors -- even as we resist new truths insofar as they undermine old habits. Those opposing aspects find definition and expression in our moral parables and religious metaphors, so that we are presented with evolving religions of light (insight) and devolving religions of darkness (ignorance). Religions of light encourage us to evolve, to seek, know, and be freed to express ourselves to one another in respect of metaphors of truth. Religions of darkness force us to devolve, to abandon appreciation of truth and to enslave or slay all who resist the spreading of apologies for ignorance. In short, their pathology can't handle truth, so, like suicide bombers, they kill truth for all, even as they kill truth for themselves.

Conceptualize a model in respect of which there is no such thing as “material progress,” but only an unfolding of consciousness, operating in appreciation of mathematically availed symbols of feedback among perspectives. In respect that it can be coherent and consistent so to conceptualize, is it not hypocritical, absurd, even immoral, that materialists should take “material progress” on blind faith, as if all change were good in an evolutionary sense? After all, if there were coherent or consistent truth in faith-based materialism, then it becomes infinitely hypocritical for “Progressives” to deny that they themselves “should” be washed away (the sooner the better!).

Questions for Progressives: Why should we not seek to conserve only such change as seems consistent with nurturing decent regard for appreciating one another within a sustainable and civilizing republic? Why must Progressives idealize that power to judge change-that-is-good should be surrendered to some central, bureaucratic, soul stifling, responsibility-denying, material brain trust of computer-enhanced and robotically-conditioned “intelligence?”

For an otherwise functioning, credible adult to fail to comprehend that the right to think and express oneself freely cannot be sustained for the ordinary masses apart from a republican form of government, one needs to be a moron -- intellectually, emotionally, or morally.

What is the attraction for otherwise functioning people to advocate that the borders and laws necessary to preserve a republic need not be enforced in a world filled with moral barbarians? I get that morons fail to see that, but what about functioning, mature, experienced adults? What faustian sociopathy and sinisterism turns them to sell out reason and decency for the quick rush from cashing in on the credulity and bad dope that can be so cheaply purchased from morons?

For goodness sakes, Arizona, do not be turned by the morons now administering our federal government!


Anonymous said...

From A.T. at
ACynic said, "Economics is the ultimate "cargo cult" science, as defined by the theoretical physicist Richard Feynmann. It has all the mathematical baggage of a science (proofs, fancy math, theorems, Nobel Prizes, etc), but zero predictive and almost zero explanatory ability."
Interesting way to put it! IF politicians were honest and not run by wealthy schemers, I expect an honest, wise mathematician could help guide honest, responsible members of society in preserving a stable economy. It's the IFFY part that messes us up, because too many dishonest manpulators float to the top. It would help if the media were more honest, to help us notice the black hearts running things. But that's now even iffier! Still, I think reasonably smart, intuitive people of good will can sniff out sources that tend to be generally honest. For that purpose, I haven't seen many sources better than A.T.
BTW, to further appreciate why science should be humbled to more humane limits, you may enjoy Klingman's "The Atheist and the God Particle."

There are a lot of people whose main inclinations and training and whose only scruples are to take advantage of the scruples of others. They come of all races and cults. For some time, society's need to allow credit at interest was allowed only to Jews, so others could pretend to be guiltless. Jews came to fill society's need for goats. It became acceptable to feign innocence because, "the Jew made me do it." It became rude or unfashionable to pierce such pretense, so that freer reign was given to the truly blackhearted (like Hitler), simply by waving a Jewish diversion. Some even seem to relish the role (Soros?). After all, in this day, infamy often pays better than fame earned the harder way, by virtue. History has dealt a cruel hand to Jews, greasing the way for the most wickedly devoid of scruples to blame their condition on Jews. The more we continue to allow this, the more we endanger ourselves to the most wicked of blackhearts. These blackhearts are not observant Jews, but malignant narcissists who believe nothing is more important than their own aggrandizement -- even by lying, deceiving, cheating, manipulating, and abusing. To allow them to perpetuate Jew hate is to allow them to continue their work -- at the greatest of danger to civilization.

An unholy alliance of opportunistic totalitarians and historical illiterates, mind serpents and amoral zombies, deceivers and gullibles, reality abusers and reality stoners, race baiters and mongerers, sadists and masochists, devil dealers and Faustians.

More generally, what's at stake is the conflict between apologists for totalitarianism versus republicanism. I doubt most Theocrats or Gaia-crats really believe God/Allah/Gaia wants to so subjugate the human mind as to turn us all into unthining zombies, capable of inflicting the most hideous of assaults against human dignity. Rather, many apologists for totalitarianism are simply unscrupulous and evil in pursuing their own opportunities to the point of taking maximum advantage of the ignorance, gullibility, and greed of all others. The class of abusive opportunists is aligned with the class of gullible malingerers and against the class of decent, responsible folk. Responsible folk had best soon figure out that evil is rampant in the land, and it is recruiting masses of ignorant, zombie gullibles. The more that evil senses moral weakness, the sooner and harder it will strike.

Anonymous said...

Both our political structure and our political mores are broken. It is good to list the confluence of material signs and structural factors that bedevil American liberty. Even so, causal analysis will necessarily remain incomplete, because the role of empathetic receptivity to feedback with higher purposefulness remains as vital as it is beyond calculation. Structural changes in our Constitution would help guide a more spiritually purposeful electorate. But, to the extent our electorate remains stubbornly beholden to materialism, no effective structural changes will likely be made. Moreover, no paper solution can work that is not backed by will in the polity to check and balance the wealth and power of those who are otherwise able to buy those who are commissioned to implement the paper solution. We will need every tool to remove the bilge that is swamping our ship of state.

Throughout history, the default position for mankind has not been so different from that of sewer rats, fighting to protect their positions within hierarchies of sewer rats. By and large, revolutions thinned herds and packs, but did not alter the sewer reality. The American Revolution was a game changer, but it did not occur without aid of an incredible confluence of events, in some ways as startling as the origin of life itself. There is something about the power of belief in a higher Hand for guiding our here and now relations. More than that, there is something about the higher Hand itself. In any event, the continuation of American liberty is closely tied to that belief. If we lose that, we will quickly sink with all other nations, and all other nations will revert to their pre-American led sewers. The truth is that revolution without belief in purpose higher than earthly utopia is just noise for the sewer.
Of course, there are those who, for whatever shortsighted rationales or selfish motives, believe in nothing higher than a quest to be king of the sewer rats. Their life’s work is to establish tight, hierarchical, corporatist control -- from godfather rat through satrap rats through local boss rats, to the complete subjugation of all quisling rats.
To this end, head rats always deploy the same mind trick. That is, they sap resisters by promising to establish a big government network that will meet every need. They promise rule under a law of redistributive equality and even-handed justice. They fill imaginations of common rats with utopian, socialistic visions -- as if that sort of utopia could run without corporatist, two-faced powers looting behind the fronted government.
There are ways to check and balance government, to preserve liberty, dignity, and opportunity for industrious and thoughtful individuals. America’s founders were on that path. Now, however, minds of our youth have been filled with visions of munificent big government, leaving no room for them to appreciate history’s lessons or their responsibility to be eternally vigilant in constraining government and the power of those who seek to own or run it.
With help from a higher Hand, our youth may yet be reminded in time that big government (Obama-mania) hardly ever equals good government, much less equality or fairness. Rather, the default position for big government, absent vigilance of the governed, is as seductive handmaiden for serving corporatist fascists, who have no higher purpose than to reduce the common rats to their entertainment.
If America’s youth re-learn that in time, America, and the world, may yet have a chance to preserve human dignity and freedom of mind.

Anonymous said...

We are each opportuned and commissioned to tune our receptivity to a Source (although some prefer to demote it to a lower-cap source). Even so, insofar as we come together in humble good faith to tune in general good will, I believe and expect that our chances for giving expression to meaningful lives and societies improves dramatically.

The problem is, many do not so believe or so desire. Many do not value expressions of perspectives of consciousness apart from their own. Insofar as Consciousness does value a variety of perspectives, the effect is that some devalue the Holism of Consciousness, i.e., “God.”

Their stance is not demonstrably based in logic or morality. It may be based in deficiency: in spirit, capacity, conditioning, empathy, understanding, or humility. Each of us may well be deficient in some ways.

Perhaps those deficiencies will be addressed in time, renewal, karma, or teleology --- as we evolve and dance in sequential feedback with Consciousness, to appreciate how our perspectives of apartness may, in some synchronizing and unifying aspect, be deluded.

Anonymous said...

There is a self fulfilling aspect to the unfolding political drama. Many believe that most people are unfit to participate in their own governance, so that we must be governed by our betters. So believing, they make it so. The self fulfilling aspect for creating an unfit electorate is accomplished by: flooding the electorate with politically illiterate people; intimidating, terrorizing, or bribing the electorate with indirect and direct threats or promises. This is done by variations on carrots and sticks. Carrots are simple: Print money, make bribes, then take the money back with all manner of tricks. Sticks, in a society not yet ready for all out violence, can consist in “getting in people’s faces” by deploying bus loads of hired thugs.

Obviously, Obamanauts believe the American electorate must be reduced, to make it incapable of self governance so that it can be better governed (cleaned out) by its elite betters. Obviously, Obamanauts want to incinerate the last vestiges of representative republicanism and replace it with an international elitist oligarchy. Obviously, they intend for this to reach a flash point of convulsion.

Against this kind of depravity (whose practitioners are beyond my power to judge as to their souls, but whose goals are obviously antithetical to decency, hence Evil!), how can decent people help to install an alternative vision about that which we should be fulfilling? Answer: By being receptive to the reigning power and conscious will of serving or believing in Something or some standard that is better.

We are witnessing a fundamental clash of visions: The enslavement of humanity for its own good versus the liberating of humanity in respect of receptivity to being guided by Something better. These two visions will not consent to co-exist in any enduring, civilizing fashion, unless separated by enforceable boundaries. We tolerate being invaded by would-be secular-elitist rulers and religious fascists at our peril.