Saturday, October 29, 2011

Lucy, Leviathan, and Lucifer

Little imagination is needed to apprehend conspiracies based on the shared envy of Dinos and the greed of Rinos. Just read history. Man's capacity for evil, even in the least of us, is chilling. Wealth, power, and opportunity tend to snowball --- especially among the most cynical. They find the same watering holes, and there they meet. Those most fit to succeed as sociopaths hardly need explicit words to intuit where to combine in order best to maximize nefarious ends. An overarching agenda and narrative arrests the minds of sociopaths, the clear outline of which is already boldly written in various places, even though it need not be. That agenda calls for the elimination of all republics and nations, and it necessarily leads to the dividing and replacing of the rule of peoples and kings with the rule of "elites," aka nation-less, international corporatists, cronies, czars, caliphs, and other such sociopaths. What keeps us blind to that reality, which now permeates all our institutions and the brains of all whom our institutions have "educated" (duped)? Answer: Hard wiring that has evolved with our brains drives us towards immediate gratifications and concerns, while keeping us slow to apprehend the default patterns and repetitions of history, and even slower to apprehend the hand of a higher Guide. In the time of mortality, nothing suggests that either Zion or the New Republic are near. Our elections are more akin to farce, good for the entertainment of master hedge operators (like Lucy lifting the football just before Charlie Brown's hopes of kicking it are raised to highest level). When will we learn how to walk and chew gum at the same time? When will we learn how to incentive socially responsible work, without promoting serfdom under sociopaths?

A flat tax would not by itself limit Leviathan, nor would it limit those who came to rule in place of Leviathan. A Republic must be able to talk and chew gum at the same time; that is, it must have checks and balances by which to incentive workers while not raising despots in wealth and power beyond all compare. Just turning power over to international corporations does not save ordinary hard working folk from Leviathan; it just puts a different mask on Leviathan. Ordinary Americans, those who pay attention to a variety of sources, want neither a society of self absorbed louts nor a society of sheep being sheared by sociopathic advantage-rollers operating under crony-aided accumulations of wealth. They don't want a society of peasants and lords. The Tea Pary ought not rally to Republican candidates simply because they put on masks as Republicans. The Tea Party ought to rally to Republicans who want to preserve America against temptations of pimps selling out to lowest interests of a thug-infested global marketplace. Many among the OWS mobs are louts, but not all. Some are simply and quite disenchanted with the notion that those best fitted to rule in place of government are those who are enabled to accumulate the most wealth in order to buy and sell government. For them, Governor Perry is altogether too nonchalant about grossly enriching a few in order to enhance their capacity to rule in place of republican government. If Perry-ilk strip away the focus of the Tea Party, Obama will be reelected. But even if not, Perry would not stem the fall of the Republic into gross New Worldism. Now, more than ever, we need champions who are not long-time mules for lords. I don't know whether Cain is that champion, but nothing in Perry's background since he switched parties leads me to believe that he is.


Anonymous said...

The Obama Regime seems like a dry run, a mere beginning, compared to what it will teach can be done by strategically positioning spooky institutions for regulating how opinions are to be shaped for consumption and adoption by the masses. To serve envy and greed, that which is learned about what can be done ... will be done. Evil never sleeps when it comes to pushing good will to resignation.

Anonymous said...

There's too much, too exclusive digital thinking: True/False, On/Off, Constitutional/Not Constitutional. There's not enough qualitiative apprehension that aspects and events become and unfold, between and during, the digital switching. Before there was Yin and Yang, there was Consciousness. Computational minds that think only in terms of switches being either on or off will remain disconnected from that fundament of reality. For them, if a thing does not quantitatively compute, it does not qualitatively exist. Sad ... not inspirational ... not assimilative ... nothing to build or preserve a civilization on. So what do such computational minds make their foundation, uber alles? Something quite arbitrary. Some make their uber principle the Constitution. Some make it their own needs and pleasures. Some make it deference to a corporate chiefdom. None of those can inspire or assimilate faith or trust. If faith in a higher Guide for consciousness is a crock, none of the above is any less so. That's why the Declaration of Independence is a superior document to the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Obama's henchmen come to your door and begin hauling away your car. You complain, and they laugh. You don't really believe we're hauling away your car, do you? Why, that's insane. Meanwhile, they're hauling away your furniture. You turn and they laugh. You don't really believe we're hauling away your furniture, do you? Meanwhile, they're hauling away your dog. You turn and they laugh. You don't really believe we're hauling away your dog, do you? Meanwhile, they're replacing news sources, educators, and congressmen with cronies. And indenturing America to international thugs. They laugh. You don't really believe we're Marxists, do you? No, I don't. Because I don't really believe in Marxism. I do, however, believe a vile evil can and often does overtake human hearts. All the more so when all regard for higher values is hollowed out by know it all scientism.

Anonymous said...

Mouthpieces for Marxism, whether they be Christian, Islamic, or Universalist, always strike me as puerile, platitudinous, or perfidious. Which miracle or morality story did Jesus perform that entailed extracting from the rich by any means other than appeal to charity? Precisely where did Jesus equate taking by force or deceit with charity? Marxism itself is a lie, professed either by fools or sociopaths, always resulting in despair and abuse. Jesus was neither a Marxist fool, nor a Marxist sociopath. He did not preach to waste talents while extracting faux entitlements via flash mobs. He hardly offered keys to the kingdom merely for being the loutiest of the louts.

Anonymous said...

The Obama Regime won't help Americans dig their way out of a hole by giving them nourishment and tools to dig deeper, while offering bonuses to those who incentive real jobs for people who live out of country. Obama does not want America to succeed substantively. Obama just wants Americans to follow his dog and pony show. Happy face on a stick reading from a teleprompter in a cave has long been the recipe for becoming a government manager all across WesternCiv. Very soon, all of WesternCiv will be awake to the fact that it can't afford to pay people for doing nothing. Only then will the cave addiction to good shows be broken. When the show finally does stop, most will sooner starve than become self reliant.

Anonymous said...

While the foundation of Christianity may avail solid basis for nurturing decent civilization, the varying sects tend to make little coherent sense, even though most seem to be deeply invested in incoherence. St. Paul never met Jesus. Except in epileptic vision, never heard the voice, never saw the body, did not have a New Testament to read. There are as many interpretations of Jesus and Christianity as there are sects. Thomas needed to see Jesus' body to believe. What of those who never saw the body, never (accurately?) heard the story, never imagined a God needing a blood sacrifice to save humanity from original sin? In modern context, the notion of sin seems to make less and less sense, unless having something to do with a state of being separated, as an imperfect and particular perspective of God, away from the Holism that is God, needing grace to find a way back, such grace being based on willingness to have all that stands in the way lifted. If people can get back to what is most important --- good faith and good will (moral intuition and humane empathy) --- Christianity may yet help lead us to a good and decent society. The parables of Jesus provide sound traditions for supporting charitable impulses. They do NOT support mobbing to enlist the force of government in order to steal from others. That is neither self help nor charity. It is simply selfish theft. Neither Islam nor Black Liberation Theology are religions. They are brands of Marxism, wrapped in lies. Christian Socialists are Living Frauds.

Anonymous said...

For Leftists and Atheists, God is useless except to serve gods of Self and Marxism. Jesus makes no sense except to be fronted as Socialist. Isn't it odd, how mortals' incapacity to limit Infinite Consciousness to finite quantifications of substance so often trick so many to think an Infinite Mind must be impossible? No doubt, as impossible as the cosmos ... yet, there cosmos is --- a walking contradiction. Every person's idea of present-locus is secondary to conscious apprehension. Sense-of-sight is supported by organ-of-eye, but what organ supports sense-of-memory and recordation of previous in-form-ation, if not an organ that preserves in-form-ation in the cosmos itself? How is one availed to sense any discrete point in time as being other than a mere Discrete, Unconnected to continuity of sequence? If either-or, digital-logic rules ALL, how is it that one who senses a present that is connected to a past is also availed to apprehend, at once, a buzz of choices among potential futures? How, unless some unprovable aspect itself feeds back to apprehensions of senses? Why think it unreasonable that a Field aspect of cosmos, as well as each Particular perspective of it, functions as Receiver-Transmitter, each for the other? How is it that apprehensions of consciousness coordinate with measured transmissions of energy and communications? How is it that measurements show choices are made before brains engage synaptic appreciation, such choices having already been made, even before self-awareness of them registers? In the immeasurable void between apparently instantaneous quantum leaps, what Reconciler factors apprehensions in synchronicity with the buzz? What is the buzz, if not in respect of implicate accompaniment and dance between Holism and Parts, beyond precise measure or proof, but not beyond intuition and empathy? Or do Atheists and Marxists deny even intuition and empathy? But for whatever IT is that factors buzz, how could anyone hope to experience any unfoldment as presenting meaningful sense? What profit it to argue meaning with another who despairs of any meaning at all, lest the Unprovable prove Itself?

Anonymous said...

Secret admiring wannabes protect their sponsoring Aino parasites from being chloroxed. Rino admirers see their schemes as depending on wealth buying influence. Dino admirers see their table scraps as depending on polititical strength in their pack leader. Both put out votes and mores as little more than convenient face creams. The more the middle class neglects hygienic delousing, the more meat Ainos eat away from its backbone. An organism that fails to develop measures adequate for recognizing camouflages of parasites, to defend its body (industry) and territory (borders) from blood suckers, will assuredly be sucked bone dry. As skin draws tighter around America's backbone, elite Ainos continue to stimulate us with more blood leaching. America needs a thorough delousing --- on all sides.

Anonymous said...

In the end, people expect to trade equal work for equal value. Is that a hard concept? When government takes too much of their produce and uses it to pay people not to work, to buy friends abroad, to kick back to cronies, to trade infrastructure for campaign contributions, then pretty soon no one wants to work, no one wants to be your friend without being paid, everyone wants to angle to cheat government and society, and your country gets essentially owned by despots abroad. Duh. This is not a recipe for decent civilization. What do you wanna bet the same welfare mongers we pay not to work tend to be the same ones helping OWS bring down capitalism? How hard can this be!? Whatever is being taught nowadays in the political and economic "sciences," it would have served us better had every student been required to spend twice as much time watching Pinocchio growing donkey ears with other entitlement-minded boys sold astray by the fox and the cat as time spent at the knee of ilk like Krugman. Our elites got so smart in lack of common sense that they went and plumb busted out their britches. How much longer are we going to allow these frauds to print money to keep giving themselves raises and benefits? How about this for a fundraiser to retire the debt: First put every Progressive politician, anchor, actor, and educator in stocks. Then let every baseball pitcher volunteer to "give back" by throwing all the rotten fruit and vegetables at them that the public is willing to provide. Make a Mount Shamemore, and put on it heads of Soros (pestilence), Obama (corruption), Krugman (famine), and Maher (ignorance). Keep it in tar and feathers ... in perpetuity.